Manjaro 20.1 xfce as Guest OS on VMware Workstation 15 does not boot

Having issues booting Manjaro 20.1 as a Guest OS on VMware Workstation 15.

Live CD works fine but after the installation process completes and after the required reboot, it’s just stuck on a black screen. I had an older 32bit version of Majnaro working fine on the same Windows 10 on the same VMware Workstation 15. Just not sure why the 20.1 64 bit is not working. Any ideas?

you could try running Manjaro in virtualbox

Can you still boot into a console inside the VMWare WS VM?

If yes: try downgrading the kernel to 5.4 LTS from the standard (which is always the latest kernel.)

If that doesn’t help, please provide more information.
