When I use ctrl+shift and drag a file in Thunar to make a symlink of it, the feedback is no longer showing alongside the mouse cursor. Previously there was a little chain emblem next to the mouse cursor, now that emblem seems to be missing.
Ok thanks so there has been a change? Are you 100% sure you are perfoming a ctrl+shift click drag and then try moving the file onto a folder and see whether a chain emblem doesn’t appear. A chain icon should appear to symbolize a symlink being made. If you confirm that a chain icon does not appear I’ll escalate. It’ll be a bug.
In Thunar 4.18.10-2, take a file and drag it into another directory, without releasing it.
Then press Ctrl : a + symbol appears on the file icon.
Add Shift, the + symbol disappear, no other symbol appears (chain ?)
So yes, little bug
Thankyou @Denis_Pom for replicating the issue. Does anyone know if this is a Manjaro bug, or an upstream Thunar bug?
I was playing around and selecting different themes, including mouse pointer themes a month ago, and by some bizarre miracle I did get the chain cursor emblem to return! But I just reset my machine and now the emblem is not displaying again. So it might be a more unusual bug.