I use a top panel for a Global menu, Application menu, System Tray and a Clock.
I would like to replace my bottom latte-dock with a second plasmashell panel, but I would like to make its background - fully transparent (without affecting the transparency of the icons within or the transparency of the existing panel at the top).
If I use Active/Inactive transparency for the panel via Windows Rules, the whole panel including its content fades out with the background, which is not a desired behavior. The goal is to mimic latte-dock by having the icons fully opaque, whilst removing the background color of the panel and using as least amount of resources as possible. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
I couldnt quite find a way to do this with a panel.
But … I do know that plank or ksmoothdock would be lighter than latte.
And they have packages in the repos/aur.
I think I found a neat way to do that with panel, which is actually perfect solution for this. I don’t need other docks, it requires only a tiny plasma panel widget (~12KB): Panel Transparency Button.
This widget could add a full transparency to any panel you specify (does not affect all panels used).
As a bonus, this panel will let me use all plasma widgets natively. All requirements are met!
I tested the final result and it looks quite descent as a replacement. However, the goal was to decrease the amount of resources spent on a dock and this is my observation:
Now plasmashell takes identical amount of RAM and peaks with 2% of GPU but it rarely does it.
Unfortunately, I didn’t record how much of RAM did plasmashell use when I had latte-dock enabled. @cscs: Could you check on your end how much of RAM does plasmashell use for a single panel?