Maintainer pgp keys expired

Finally I followed this post,

but I am not sure if changing “SigLevel = Never” in “/etc/pacman.conf” is smart. At least the upgrade worked, but can I trust it? Can someone give me a clue?

That solution is literally the same one as the solution from this thread: Maintainer pgp keys expired - #43 by tomterl

Of course, without the totally insecure allowing of all signatures. Theoretically, all your packages could now be compromised because your mirror (or any malicious actor in-between) could send you modified packages without you noticing because you allowed all signatures.

OK, thanks! I see, that was rather dumb…

Can I resume somehow safely, without re-installing from scratch?


No one else can answer that question for you as we don’t know your technical expertise, so:

  • If you’re a bumbling idiot a technical Luddite: No!
  • If you follow above instructions: Yes!


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