Mace (and Papirus) themes for Plasma

I have been using this setup for a little while.

And now with light as well as dark versions it may be in a state for general consumption.


  • Icons

    • Papirus-Mace Icons with some edits like a familiar teal dolphin/folder icon.
    • Papirus-Mace Icon set of slightly modified Papirus Icons for use with Firefox 89+.
  • Plasma

    • Papirus-Mace Global Themes
    • Breeze-Mace color schemes that are smoother breeze variants with teal highlights.
    • Breeze-Mace konsole color scheme to match.
    • Papirus-Mace Plasma Styles (previously known as desktop themes) come in 2 flavors. **
      The “flat” variant removes some shadows, namely the panel shadow.

And here is the link to the group:

This may not be considered fully polished, so things like instructions are currently absent.
But scripts are included with the projects.

Additions in the future may include Global Themes, Wallpapers, etc.

** Only slightly modified from the previous Papirus-KDE, they will not work with Plasma 5.
Under Plasma 6, as with all styles, icons will be drawn from your icon theme.


Lots of Plasma 6 oriented updates to the icon theme.
I also forked a Papirus icon theme for firefox.

Example here with the “Flat” plasma style (also using the ‘compact’ firefox toolbar density);