MacBook pro a1278 installation problem

Hi! I have installed manjaro on my old MacBook pro (a1278 2012) and it runned fine for good few months. Recently I had quite a few updates to do since I didn’t do them for a while and when I’ve done them system crashed and I was stuck with some generic login screen and it wouldn’t let me login. There was an error message about breeze missing (I didn’t copy that message so I do not remember exactly what it was). I thought it’s not end of the world and I grabbed my usb and attempted to install system again, but this time it fails installing bootloader every time. I tried Ubuntu and it doesn’t even boot into live session. I have tried partitioning manually with boot partitions with boot and esp flags with the same results. I’m suspecting some compatibility after updates, but I do not have a clue what to do. Last time it installed flawlessly. I will add that my SSD is brand new and I successfully recovered osx. If it’s something stupid I have missed then please don’t beat me up, I’m still learning. Thank you for help in advance!