Macbook air 2015-16, camera doesn't work

Hi Guys, i fixed it, thank you all very very much.

here is the solution, in case others have a similar problem.

  1. First and foremost, please read [root tip] [How To] Kernel - Headers - DKMS

  2. follow the steps there to install correct linux headers, i had to run

sudo pacman -Syu linux66-headers
  1. then run
pacman build bcwc-pcie-git

which built the package.

thank you very very much. manjaro on my macbook runs better than mac, some of the keyboard keys were dysfunctional and now they work. in general everything works, the touchpad is working just as in mac with zoom in out features, and other distros didn’t have this (at least not out of box).

i had one other common issue with the wifi driver, but this was not hard to resolve. there was some conflict between linux driver and broadcom driver and i had to remove the broadcom driver. once again thank you for this wonderful OS.