Trying something new
Why am I doing this? Possibly in search of perfection - which of course is an unachievable
With part time job as system architect and coder I have to distract myself by doing something different.
Because I can - with the joke aside - I enjoy creating something new and I have come to appreciate the combination of LXQt and kwin - so it is mainly because I use it - and if You find it usable too - I am honored - thank you.
The installer is located in the System Tools menu.
For you to enjoy and have fun with
I have been trying to create a functional ISO with the least number of packages. Besides the Manjaro system (mhwd and msm - no pamac) the following packages is installed
- feathernotes
- featherpad
- firefox
- gparted
- htop
- konsole
- mc
- micro
- pavucontrol-qt
- plank
- qpdfview
- screenshot
- xscreensaver
Because I use it on a laptop I have enabled firewalld service.
- The ISO can be downloaded at NOTE
- The profile can be verified at Manjaro Gitlab
NOTE: I have moved the location so you will be redirected to Dont panic - this is intentional.
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