LXQt build image


Is it possible to build a Manjaro LXQt image or not ?

[nls@lap ~]$ sudo buildiso -f -p lxqt -b stable -k linux66 2024.11.06
[sudo] password for nls: 
==> ERROR: lxqt is not a valid profile or build list!
==> ERROR: Profile [/home/nls/iso-profiles//lxqt] sanity check failed!
[nls@lap ~]$ 


LXQt 2.0 present on the branch compare :slight_smile:


It is if you have the profile.
Either by your own creation or from Manjaro.
Manjaro recently removed all the old ones, so how you get it is up to you.
(You can conveniently ‘go back’ at any of the git pages. I also have it locally if you need it.)

Thats a third party tool not operated by the manjaro team.

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Thanks for your answer, how to do that ?

They were removed here: https://gitlab.manjaro.org/profiles-and-settings/iso-profiles/-/commit/893ac57c7199203e72c19b95bf2d0702b28d9b8a. So you could download this snapshot and modify the lxqt profile as needed.

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A while ago housekeeping caught up with the profiles repo.

The profile has been removed from the official repo some time ago - pointed out by @philm above.

manjaro specific lxqt packages has been removed from the repo a while ago - I am guessing the regular snaps has caught up with stable branch.

I just tested a build on an lxqt profile - snipped from the output.

To answer the question - it is not possible without some modification of the profile

error: target not found: manjaro-grub-theme-sunset
error: target not found: manjaro-lxqt-config
error: target not found: manjaro-lxqt-desktop-settings
error: target not found: manjaro-lxqt-theme-arc-maia
error: target not found: manjaro-lxqt-theme-kvflatred
error: target not found: norse-theme
error: target not found: norse-sddm-theme

I have a snapshot of stable branch - containing these packages.

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@cscs @philm @linux-aarhus
Thanks for your help && answers.