LXDE [Help for some programs]

Hello Manjaro Linux community.

About 1 month ago I decided to start using Linux, initially I chose a distribution but after some research I decided to adopt Manjaro as my operating system and I must admit that I am extremely satisfied with its performance.

I chose the LXDE Minimal 20.2 version of Manjaro, installed it and then performed the System Update.

It’s working correctly, however, I’m having difficulties in some small details.

  1. I don’t have any graphical interface to control the power system (suspending it and things like that), actually I don’t even want graphical interface for this feature, I just want to disable it permanently (through the terminal itself), because I’m sure 30 minutes of no use, my monitor goes into standby, and since I don’t have a graphical interface to adjust this, I don’t know what to do.

  2. When I right-click on the volume icon in the taskbar and select to open the audio options, it gives me an error, I believe that just because I don’t have the graphical interface to adjust the volume, if this is the case, which package should i install for this function to work?

  3. The shortcut to open the ROOT terminal on the desktop is also not working, it says that the command “termite” is invalid.

These are the 3 points that I don’t know how to solve, and actually they are the only ones that need to be solved for the system to be perfect for my use.

Can someone help me?

I would get a copy of the pkg list for the iso you used and check to make sure all pkgs were installed. For #3 it’s possible the default terminal emulator terrmite wasn’t installed. You can either install it, if it is already check that the launcher command is properly set. You could also choose and install another terminal emulator and set the correct launcher command for that application.

Here’s some links that should get you on your way :+1:


for #2:

Thanks for helping me my friend.

The version I downloaded, installed and then updated was the link:
manjaro-lxde-20.2-minimal-201130-linux59.iso (Available in the old manjaro repository)
I can’t send the link

I haven’t installed any packages or programs yet, just the .iso system and updated everything through Pamac

This is a link to the most likely PKG list for your install. It’s a list of the pkgs to be installed on the system during set up.

Take note that you’ve used a minimal iso, so those pkgs marked > extra were not installed.

EDIT: I would personally look thru the extra pkgs and decide on each for extra functionality (notice the full iso uses xfce utils, which most likely would solve 2 of your issues)


So, in order for me to be able to access the sound settings menu (by right clicking on the icon in the taskbar), I just have to install the: extra pavucontrol?

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Yes, you can sort thru those extra pkgs, check the arch wiki and re-craft/install only the extras you want/need

Edit: it may be pavucontrol or most likely a couple of the pulse/pavu pkgs for full functionality…

there is a newer version. Try this one (but it is 3 months old).

Thanks, I will check this version.

But does it make a difference? I download the .iso 20.2 and update the entire system by Pamac? Or download that latest version that recommended me?

After updating the entire system would not be identical?

Not really - that is the beauty of rolling release - that is unless the ISO used is very, very old. Only thing you may need to do is in the settings set the terminal to lxterminal or sakura

The minimal version does exclude a lot of packages including some audio things - the following list of packages is added on the full LXDE iso

## extra packages

## Java
#>extra jdk8-openjdk
#>extra jre8-openjdk-headless
#>extra jre8-openjdk

## Printing Support
## manjaro-printer meta package
>extra cups
>extra cups-pdf
>extra cups-pk-helper
>extra ghostscript
>extra gsfonts
>extra gutenprint
>extra hplip
>extra python-gobject
>extra python-pyqt5
>extra splix
>extra system-config-printer

## Scanner Support
>extra simple-scan

## Extra Fonts
>extra ttf-dejavu
>extra ttf-droid
>extra ttf-inconsolata
>extra ttf-indic-otf
>extra ttf-liberation

## Extra Applications
>extra gimp
>extra guvcview
>extra thunderbird
>extra transmission-gtk
>extra vlc
>extra xfburn
>extra yelp

## Network
>extra avahi
>extra nss-mdns # NSS support for mDNS (optdepend for avahi)
>extra openssh

## Libraries for Sound/Audio/Video
>extra ffmpeg
>extra gst-libav
>extra gst-plugins-bad
>extra gst-plugins-base
>extra gst-plugins-good
>extra gst-plugins-ugly
>extra libdvdcss
>extra manjaro-pulse
>extra pavucontrol
>extra pulseaudio-bluetooth
>extra pulseaudio-ctl
>extra pulseaudio-zeroconf

## Connect Packages
>extra android-tools
>extra android-udev
>extra gvfs-afc
>extra gvfs-gphoto2
>extra gvfs-mtp
>extra mtpfs

## screen lock
>extra light-locker

## network
>extra blueberry
>extra bluez
>extra bluez-libs

## file utilites
>extra ffmpegthumbnailer  # tumbler - for video thumbnails
>extra libgsf             # tumbler - for ODF thumbnails
>extra libopenraw         # tumbler - for RAW thumbnails
>extra poppler-data   #CKJ support for pdf

## Optional dependencies engrampa
>extra p7zip  # 7Z and ARJ archive support
>extra unace  # ACE archive support
>extra unrar  # RAR archive support
>extra mesa-demos

## xfce utils
>extra manjaro-lxde-xfce4-notifyd
>extra manjaro-lxde-xfce4-volumed-pulse
>extra xfce4-notifyd
>extra xfce4-power-manager
>extra xfce4-volumed-pulse

You can pick the ones you need - most likely something like the following


The later version found on my unofficial download page has Sakura as terminal instead of termite which was removed from the Arch repo at some point and I decided to replace it with something in the repo.

Filemanager trying to open termite

In the file manager - navigate Edit menu → Preferences → Advanced

Replace termite with lxterminal and close.

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