Lutris error 'ScriptInterpreter' object has no attribute 'script' on 0.5.16-1


i have a problem installing games that require libretro, from lutris. I scrolled through many forums but i didnt find a solution. I would install an older package, but i heard its not recommended for Manjaro.

'ScriptInterpreter' object has no attribute 'script'

Thank you for your help.

Have you checked upstream issues? :wink:

Yes, i did see it. I searched up the lutris/installer/ and the other one, but didnt find the line with the code that i should change. Sorry, im not familiar with computer science.

Should i just download this GitHub - lutris/lutris: Lutris desktop client?

As mentioned in the comment, it’s already fixed in the master branch. You can ether wait for the next release or install lutris-git from the AUR (Arch User Repository) if you want to test the bleeding edge.

I’m not familiar with computer science, either. :wink:

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I see, i will try this. Thank you. I doubt that last one a bit, but i guess the solution requires no code knowledge.

I run it with /bin/lutris? (not familiar with git versions :no_mouth:)

Do i need to get rid of it later (or would that be better)?

Well, then…


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