Lutris and epic games

You are basically at the point I was this morning, it would open for a split second and crash, after trying to launch it again and again then you will have a popup telling you “do you want to go to epic support?” and if you click no it tries to start and crash, yes leads to their support site.

Try to follow the link to Lutris website and check how they fixed it (basically the same but with lutris-wine6RC, the one that was auto selected when I wiped and reinstalled EPIC in Lutris).

As last resort you can do as I did, wipe it (maybe make a backup of whole epic-games-store folder as I’m not sure about save files and things like that), reinstall it, TRY to import games with the workaround provided in link above (no guarantee, but it worked for all my games).

This is not the most important thing for me, I have like 2 games (freebies) from EGS,

I removed EGS and re-installed it, and things work fine now. Thanks.

Because it was not mentioned: maybe for some the alternative client “Legendary” is a solution.

Interesting, that could be a cool project to look at in the future :wink:

sounds great. Like to play smth new

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