Loginctl shows 2 session when logged in is this normal?

I have noticed, when logged in with lightdm to XFCE and typing loginctl in a terminal.

47 1001 Tommy seat0 35369 user tty7 no -
48 1001 Tommy - 35380 manager - no -

2 sessions listed.

I am having a problem with power manager suspending the system (keeps asking for authentication) and I was wondering if this might have something to do with it if it’s not normal.

Is this normal and why is there a 2nd session 48. What causes/needs it.

Thanks for any help

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This is normal, yes.

Those two things are unrelated. The problems with suspending are presumably caused by a kernel bug, and the team is currently investigating this.

The manager session maintains the background services for non-logged-in user accounts, e.g. if the user sitting at the physical console were to switch to a different user account.


Thank you for the reply. I don’t remember seeing 2 sessions before, is it a fairly recent change in how things work, as in like the last few years?

To be honest, I have no idea. It’s specific to systemd, however, and how it handles logins.

It is of course possible that this came along with the most recent update to systemd — as per the 2024.09.02 Stable Update — but I suspect that it has always been this way in systemd-based systems. :man_shrugging:

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The reason I started looking was because I had power manager suspend issues in the past and if memory serves me right it was because I was leaving root logged in on a tty and the system refused to suspend without authentication. I thought additional session (48) might also be conflicting. Thank you for the help. I will now conduct a few tests on idle suspend and try to narrow down what might be the problem

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Ah, but that is a very special situation. The root account is the most privileged account in the system, and thus, from the logical standpoint, the system cannot allow the mere mortal logged into a GUI session to suspend the system while the $DEITY is logged in and working at the same time. :stuck_out_tongue:

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