Login to Microsoft AD Wifi

I am trying to login to a network which needs login into an office365/azure/MSwhatever account. On Windows, it just asks for username and password, however, for Manjaro, I just do not manage to login.

Is there anybody here who has experience with that?

When I open the network, I get this dialogue here:

I filled in username and password being email address and password. The Internet states anonymous identity stays clear and domain is either empty or the domain name of the email address. Both fail.

Any ideas or experience?

Is it maybe eduroam?

You could as the responsible IT person to ask for guidance on how to setup. Sometimes they have advise for Apple users or Android, which sometimes help setting the options in NetworkManager.

The username may be in the form addomain\username e.g. if the addomain is foo and the username is bar the login is foo\bar

But if your login is to a company intranet setup using azure then your company email is likely your username.

On Windows the domain is connected to the user account - therefore the connecting application can pull the domain from registry - that is not possible on Linux.

Other than that :man_shrugging: