Locating/manually downloading official core/extra packages

I can see that (for example) Branch compare for Manjaro reflects Pamac info (if installed locally; currently just has version 1.35.0-1). But where do I download the package manually, for example if I want to inspect PKGBUILD etc?

I know about (for example) Arch Linux - just 1.36.0-1 (x86_64) and similar for packages in AUR. I believe that many Manjaro packages point to (potentially a little older = stable) versions of Arch packages, but I though that some may differ between Arch and Manjaro - and if so, how/where do I find out, please?

It would be nice if they were each linked in the package info … but this seems rare.

But you can look anyways with pacman -Si or pacman -Qi.
If sources are listed they will likely be to upstream, rather than to the PKGBUILD.

There is no need to download the package manually if you just want to see how it is build.

To learn where the package has been build - Manjaro or Arch

pacman -Qi <pkgname> | grep -e Packager

PKGBUILD files for packages built by Manjaro Linux is stored at Packages · GitLab.
PKGBUILD files for packages built by Arch Linux is fournd at https://gitlab.archlinux.org.

If you want to inspect the package structure - the package is a compressed archive using tar and zstd - hence the extension pkg.tar.zst.

If the package in question is synced to your system - you could start with the package cache in /var/cache/pacman/pkg.

If the package is not local - you can download it to temporary folder using pacman

sudo pacman -Sw --cachedir /tmp <pkgname>

The builded package don’t include the pkgbuild

For Arch pkgbuilds in the packages page open View Changes, for just it brings to Commits · main · Arch Linux / Packaging / Packages / just · GitLab

Packages can be downloaded manually from Manjaro http or ftp mirrors

To be fair the few times I needed to check for some changes in some specific packages, the source on Gitlab was not updated, I don’t know how it happens but it seems sometimes, the package is built and uploaded, but the source does not reflect the changes. It is like someone builds locally on his computer, and pushes new packages to repos but the Manjaro GitLab does not contain the changes. I did not recently have this issue when I needed to check sources for changes, but I’m 100% positive it happened before when I needed to have a look.


are we talking about kernels here, cos i’m pretty sure i’ve noticed this with manjaro kernels

I don’t recall what kind of packages it was when I had this “issue”.

Keep in mind that it can sometimes take a while for changes to propagate globally; while expected changes might not be apparent initially, perhaps a little later they will be.