Local Area Network

I know very little Linux, but can follow directions in the Terminal. I want a local area network with my wife’s Manjaro (Cinnaon) installation. Attached is the Nemo error graphic.

Thanks in advance.


I have added samba identities with passwords.

Hi Phil,

I see no one has responded, so I will give it a try. It has been a while since I used Samba, but the ArchWiki has a very good tutorial here Samba - ArchWiki

As the article states, Samba does not ship with a default config file in /etc/samba/smb.conf
You can download one from the GIT repo or just install manjaro-settings-samba to get you started.

I see from your screenshots that you are using Workgroup:WORKGROUP, Make sure that the smb.conf has the Workgroup as WORKGROUP , some smb.conf files default to MYGROUP or something.

Hope this helps.

If both machines run GNU/Linux, then why use a network file-sharing protocol designed for Microsoft Windows? Why not use NFS, which is native to UNIX?

I thought that Manjaro was supposed to make it easy. I agree with Aragon, but it all seems pretty complicated.

Well, that’s a general misconception, I’m afraid. Manjaro is certainly a lot easier than Arch proper, but it was never intended to be a hand-holding distribution, so to speak. So it’s not like Ubuntu or Mint, or any of those kinds of distributions.

Underneath the hood, it’s still Arch, and Arch is a very technical distribution. But the upside is that an Arch base is fairly robust and that it’s also fast, plus that both Arch and Manjaro have excellent documentation in comparison to other distributions. As the matter of fact, many developers of other distributions — e.g. Gentoo — actually resort to consulting the Arch Wiki.

We do get absolute beginners here on the forum, but they’re usually the ones who often don’t get the spirit of Manjaro — or for that matter, Arch — and who then usually fail to update their systems, and so on.

But apart from the Wikis, we also have a very elaborate set of tutorials, howtos, tips and tricks that everyone can tap into — even people who aren’t registered here at the forum — and so there’s always a wealth of resources to consult for whatever you want to do with your system.

It’s not GNU/Linux which is difficult. The problem is that most newbies have been conditioned to do things the MICROS~1 way, and that they find it hard, if not impossible, to break their Windows habits and Windows mindset. UNIX is actually far more logical than Windows could ever hope to be.

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Will this help? Can I just install it? Are there any instructions?

Network-manager is already installed.Have you checked to see if avahi is installed and running.

According to “Add/Remove Software” Network Manager is NOT installed. Then you mention avahi, what is that?

From Menu: Avahi SSN Server Browser and Avahi VNC Server Browser show nothing on local network.


And you are correct - because what you are looking at is the snapstore.

You should really avoid getting into trouble there.

Third party apps is available but you should really not go there :dragon: and :crocodile: until you have learned your way around the Manjaro system - please disable all thirdparty apps in Add / Remove Software app to avoid creating xy problems.