Linus Tech Tips Manjaro KDE plasma

Oh don’t worry. The team has been following along. Silly Linus. :laughing:


Can you please give me the link to that video ?

Only part one released so far >>>> Linux HATES Me – Daily Driver CHALLENGE Pt.1 - YouTube

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I guess they won’t be using the first video sponsor’s product for a month, then. Yey! Let’s sponsor a video for an OS that our software won’t work on.

It’s good to see a serious following being exposed to Linuxes. Nice that Manjaro was chosen over Pop. It’ll be interesting to see what the rest of the series has in store.

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They sponsor the video for the exposure, not for its content.


I don’t know what to think, I think Linus has been disrespectful and irresponsible to the community for the way he approached “the challenge” (as defined by him).
Challenge … as if using linux is something of the other world, for him maybe.
My two teenage sons, when the pandemic started, we decided they would use Linux because we didn’t want to pay for MSoffice or Windows licenses.
They both installed the Gnome version of Manjaro with me on their computers. There were no installation problems, drivers, or anything similar, what we did was use the Traditional layout.
For them it was easy, in fact the first thing they did was install Steam, from then on if there was a game that required Lutris, without doing any magic configuration it always worked and they were satisfied and in fact to this day, almost two years later they have had no problems, not even with the updates.
Both guys use Ryzen, one with a 3400G and a B-450 motherboard + Nvidia 1650 GPU and the other with a 2700X and an Asus x470 prime + Radeon 570 16GB of RAM each; the older son with two monitors all the time because he is studying programming.
On the other hand, my wife is a PR and she adopted Linux 3 years ago. I frankly thought that my wife was not going to endure a month, but to this day, she does not change it for anything. She is using a Dell Laptop.
As it is, only my oldest son is already a semi-advanced user, but my youngest son and wife are not.
The productivity is excellent and they are happy, so I don’t understand what “$% $ Xz #” is doing Linus …
The ridiculous I think, or the payment of a favor to Microsoft, I do not know but, I am curious about the manipulation that many people will be exposed to from someone who clearly did not do the homework before making a series of videos of something that clearly does not know.


Think of these videos as two relatively normal people trying linux, the type who won’t read the wiki or understand everything on the screen. I wouldn’t take it as commentary on the linux community or manjaro but there is some constructive criticism that can help improve the user experience for people trying linux for the first time. More than anything else, it’s just entertainment, and won’t be everyone’s cup of tea.


Partly true, marketing is usually aimed at an interested market not those who may move away from it. So, in this case, exposure to which audience? If all of the almost 2 million viewers switched to Linux, that exposure is to almost 2 million people who won’t be able to use it.

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My sons and my wife are normal people. Not nerds.

The Linus commentaries are the same commentaries that many people has left in the past over the years.
Maybe the only positive thing is what he said about the “developers war”. But we know that.
Edit: But maybe because the exposure, (millions of people) the developers write down what Linus says.
Yes, community issues but that happens in MS forums too, in fact, happens in any social media, or forum.


Talking about the majority of people who are ‘lambda’ or ‘prime’ users which seems to be the ones targeted too by Linus on his video i-e users often coming from Windows and often not really knowing about tech, one important point is security as they usually don’t have someone skilled on Linux nearby in case they do a mistake. Maybe adding an option in the installation process like BTRF configured automatically to save configuration for roll back especially when upgrading software and communicating about it would help make such users feel more confident ? I tested Garuda yesterday and some points on that part look interesting even if globally i prefer Linux Manjaro KDE that is much more polished.

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Honestly the average person would have ditched linux forever when they would screw up as Linus did and accidentally uninstall their DE; I’ve made that mistake too at a point when I already should have known better (part of the learning process I suppose), so I know how it feels.

Now I don’t wanna bash pop os, but that was just god damn embarrassing for them, how the hell did they screw up so royally? They’re not even a rolling release distro for gods sakes, they should have had plenty of time to prevent situations like this… Why is an OS like this so popular in the first place? After seeing this, I’m kinda glad I never bothered trying it out, I’m sure I would have been even more disappointed than Linus, and Linus swore off it in like 15 minutes.

I also understand his audio woes on manjaro, pulseaudio has always been a piece of crap (wonder if his audio would just work :tm: if he used pipewire instead :thinking: )

As for the guy that went with Mint, honestly the average person would not have fared as well as he did, I recall suffering when trying to install the linux driver on mint when I was new to linux, and also having problems because their nvidia driver was too outdated for me… But he clearly had some experience with this, 2 years on ubuntu is a long time, and he fared about as well as expected from someone who has used linux for that long. He knew better than to fall into pitfalls of people fresh out of windows with no understanding of how linux works.

I kinda wanna see part 2 now though, hope they release it soon.


The challenge is to install and use Linux system for gaming on their personal computer, coming from a lifetime of use of Windows system. What are you talking about?

Exposure to the 14 millions people subscribed and watching LTT videos.


Anyway, i am curious to see how gaming is going to work on Linus tests due to video drivers as he seems used to Windows and not so much Linux … and NVIDIA is not the most stable product in the Linux environment at this time … Windows had the blue screen of death and Linux the empty black screen :-/

Honestly I see as much if not even more people having issues with AMD or Intel in the support forum. They are all equally bad in my opinion. On my own experience I never have issues with Nvidia, but issues exist for specific cases that’s true. Issues also exist on AMD (it’s been six month I see the same thread popping up with issues still not fixed and people freezing/crashing with AMD, never saw that kind of unsolved issue on Nvidia), and Intel (today again I saw an issue in latest kernel still not solved, and similarly to AMD you can find many different issues).

The impression only Nvidia has issues on Linux is probably because there are many advocates of Open Source Software in Linux communities, here and in Manjaro staff, who don’t see the big picture.

Same :poop: different smell.


Linus Tech Tips

Linus Tech Tips

14.1M subscribers

Is this the same Linus that hangs out with Charlie Brown and sucks his thumb and drags his blanket around.If it is he seems like a good enough guy but not someone I’d want suggestions from on running Linux.

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A good comment on video to look at :slight_smile: good comment on video to look at
Linus BREAKS Linux! - Daily Driver Challenge Reaction - YouTube


Can you please read the complete post?
Don’t ask me “What I’m talking about” before read. Thanks.
And please let’s not make a war discussion of this, I shared what 3 totally new users had done. My wife and my sons.


Yeah, Chris Titus Tech did the same

Thx; I am looking at it right now and it’s nice and useful comments: