LibreOffice Writer can't open large files and dramatically increases file size upon Save As

I was working on an 8 MB RTF doc. I was saving new versions using Save As (Save As is broken due to a bug). Last three saves, the file size increases to 9 MB, 15 MB and 20 MB with no substantial editing in between, and, what is worse, the LibreOffice hangs on load and never loads the file.

I found an old thread which states that LOW is unstable with large files.

My opinion is that any such issue would likely have been corrected since 2013; despite the apparent rarity of the condition that thread describes.

I would suggest there may be a problem with the file itself. Can you source another copy and try successive saves from that copy instead?

At face value, it seems an issue best addressed by LibreOffice;
some possibly useful links follow:


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The document took a long time to load, but it finally did load. I copied the content into a new ODT document and the problem seems to be gone. So there indeed was a problem with the file.


The document itself is one of the most easily overlooked causes (speaking from experience) :wink:. Iā€™m glad it was an easy fix.

As beer is getting too expensive, you can give a little :white_check_mark: under my post above instead, and mark this thread as solved.


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