LibreOffice will not open ClarisWorks, AppleWorks, .pages and .numbers

My settings in Dropbox are that anyone who has the link can access and download. At least that’s what I read there.


Once again:

“AAA—Dropbox - Claris Wks files - Simplify your life

In spite of the camouflage the forum page sees that it is a link …

My text is transformed.

and that is correct

still - when one wants to access the dropbox link you provided,
they are presented with a choice to register via Google or Apple
at the bottom
the download link without registratiion

You took the easy route - used something you knew.
That’s o.k.

But the people on the other side might not think the same way … :wink:
the opportunity to just download the thing without any of the above.

… try accessing your own links from the outside - from within a plain Manjaro live session or fresh install … see what happens

I see,

but I’m not sure if I understand.

You mean it’s a safety issue? People would hesitate to download?

But how can it possibly be made safer? The folders and files will be exactly the same, whichever way they are downloaded.

And I don’t see any options in Dropbox to change the way of access, apart from entering the email addresses of specific people.


The ~ is there by default when I open Terminal.

No. Not really.
But in the minds of people: really :wink:

yes, definitely, some would

you can’t - you could try by using any of the many anonymous file sharing services out there

If I was you - I would not bother.
You did what needed to be done. Provide access to files that can be used to replicate your issue.

I was just telling you how some or even many people might react …
to Dropbox links that are presenting themselves in the way that they do …

I myself have not downloaded any of the files because I know that I have never in my life encountered files with such extensions
and could therefore not be of help even if I now saw them - I’m totally oblivious of anything in OSX and it’s software.


That path doesn’t exist.

The command should be one of these:

nano ~/.config/mimeapps.list    # absolute path

nano .config/mimeapps.list      # relative path

and it worked - but just in case, here are two other way to post the same:

  1. formatted as code ( </> )

  1. formatted as a block quote ( this symbol: " )

Dropbox - Claris Wks files - Simplify your life

Just so you know:

That’s only part of the prompt, not the command. Your prompt has a ~, mine doesn’t:

╰─➤  echo $SHELL

And, anyway, ~ is just an alias for your home directory:

╰─➤  echo ~
╰─➤  echo $HOME


So, I don’t know if I can be any help further, because on my PC everything seems to open just fine. I will, however, note what I’ve found:

(This is just an example.)

I downloaded 5 AppleWorks 6.0 other to a test folder. I extracted it there, too:

$ ls -l
.rw-r--r-- mirdarthos mirdarthos 82 KB Mon Feb 12 14:59:11 2024  '5 AppleWorks 6.0 other'
.rw-r--r-- mirdarthos mirdarthos 29 KB Sun Feb 11 17:31:42 2024  'Kreuzschaltung [v6.0].cwk'
.rw-r--r-- mirdarthos mirdarthos 52 KB Sun Feb 11 17:31:42 2024  'Kreuzschaltung [v6.0].odt'

Upon extracting, I notices the 2 files:

  • 1 with a .odt estension; and
  • 1 with an .cwk extension.

The .odt one seems to be a standard Open Document Text file, that Libreoffice opens with a smile.

The .cwk one has no association, but I could open it with Libreoffice just fine. The page/paper did look a bit weird though, but I didn’t look any deeper.

The above leads me to the conclusion that Apple uses and thus will support .odt files.

So you could use that.

But either way, I doubt I can be of assistance any further.


and thank you very much indeed. I will have to work my way through these instructions step by step, since I am not familiar with the command line yet.

So you could open these files. Could you please let me know:

  • your version of Manjaro, and your desktop environment
  • your version of LibreOffice


$ libreoffice --version
LibreOffice 60(Build:1)

(The latest one inn the repository.)

Kernel: 6.1.71-1-MANJARO arch: x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 13.2.1
clocksource: tsc available: acpi_pm
parameters: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-6.1-x86_64
root=UUID=9a26c8d0-43f4-44ad-a7d3-861d6f6cdbfa rw quiet
udev.log_priority=3 modprobe.blacklist=iTCO_wdt
Desktop: KDE Plasma v: 5.27.10 tk: Qt v: 5.15.12 info: cairo-dock
wm: kwin_x11 dm: SDDM Distro: Manjaro Linux base: Arch Linux
Type: Desktop System: Gigabyte product: Z370 HD3 v: N/A serial: N/A
Mobo: Gigabyte model: Z370 HD3-CF serial: N/A UEFI: American Megatrends
v: F14 date: 11/13/2021

Fully updated:

$ cat /etc/lsb-release
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I recently received the update to LibreOffice 24.2 (it’s available in Manjaro’s unstable branch), and while I didn’t have any documents in the formats you’re having trouble with, I decided to download a document in the .pages format, and this version of LibreOffice opened it.

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I have, and I am told “Everything is up to date”.
How can I lay my hand on 7.6?

Thanks for your valuable help,

Thank you for the information. But: version 24? I have version 7 (

And: sorry, but I am quite new to Linux, and I don’t know what the “unstable branch” is and how to get there. I can imagine, but I think with my limited knowledge I should stick to the standard version.

Anyway, I value and appreciate any information.

LO 24 is due to the new versioning system that libreoffice is using. If you want to try 7.6.4 you need to install libreoffice-fresh

pamac install libroffice-fresh

24.2 is still in unstable branch and will come along in due time to stable and testing branches.

“Starting with the next release, LibreOffice will 
adopt a year.month-based versioning system 
and the upcoming iteration will bear the version number 24.2.”
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I haven’t looked into the reason for the big version number change, but it is what it is,

You can find info regarding branches here, but I don’t recommend that you as a new user switch: Switching Branches - Manjaro

Thank you.

Concerning version 7.6.4 of LibreOffice: „fresh“ probably means that it is sort of a new and unstable (?) version?

Can I install it alongside my current version without risk for testing, and switch between the two?


As far as I know, the “fresh” version is the newer version that gats new features and Libreoffice still rarely gets updates. From LibreOffice - ArchWiki

  • libreoffice-still is the stable maintenance branch with relatively rare updates, for conservative users.
  • libreoffice-fresh is the feature branch, with new program enhancements for early adopters or power users.

Can they be used together? I don’t know man, you’ll have to test. But, in my opinion, just switch to fresh…

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They likely use the same configuration file so side-by-side installation might be tricky.I always have used libreoffice-fresh. I don’t use the software frequently. I am running 24.2 here with no issues that I have noticed.

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