I get the following error when I launch Google Docs:
No Exec field in /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/google-docs_google-docs.desktop
Can anyone help?
I get the following error when I launch Google Docs:
No Exec field in /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/google-docs_google-docs.desktop
Can anyone help?
cat /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/google-docs_google-docs.desktop
Should that line - which program in which path to execute - be there?
I’d guess so.
But I don’t know - I am blissfully unaware about how snaps are supposed to work.
I do not use them and never did.
I’m attempting to understand here. We know that Google Docs is an online platform:
So we made an app for Google Docs, Sheets, Slides for Windows, macOS, and Linux. But you Must remain connected to the internet. If you disconnect unexpectedly, All your changes remain saved on Google Drive. This is the First time a Modern Word Processor comes to Linux!
This itself is confusing, and also the statement the FIRST time a Modern Word Processor comes to Linux… is blatantly false and utterly ridiculous.
This also reveals that this is not an application, but rather some kind of wrapper - and as you should already have at least ONE browser installed, it would be simpler to use that. Installing this is possibly adding the extra bloat of an extra browser backend (would it really be worth installing an extra application to run your Manjaro forum, rather than opening it in a browser? or creating a webapp to launch it directly from the menu?).
If you want it as a launchable application, then creating an application shortcut (in a Chromium browser) would fix it - or using webapp manager you could try it using Firefox as a backend.
One of the main reasons that I would avoid the snap store is that it is a haven for useless bloat which brings nothing to the table.
I avoided it. Might as well use Google Docs elsewhere.
Thanks though.
This topic is closed due to insufficient information provided to allow others to understand the problem; likewise, a lack of supporting detail (no system information).
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