Latest update messed up my GRUB Menu

Hi everyone
Up until today everything went fine with my Grub and I always used Grub Customizer to manage the look of my Grub. I never edited the Grub file itself, because I don`t know how…I just renamed the Boot options (given simple names)…see my Screenshot below (ex. “Manjaro Linux” or “Windows 10”).

After today’s update, my Grub menü messed up totally. Now I have two Windows Boot sections…

Found theme: /usr/share/grub/themes/manjaro/theme.txt
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-5.4-x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/intel-ucode.img /boot/initramfs-5.4-x86_64.img
Found initrd fallback image: /boot/initramfs-5.4-x86_64-fallback.img
Found Windows Boot Manager on /dev/sda2@/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
Found Windows Boot Manager on /dev/sda2@/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
Adding boot menu entry for UEFI Firmware Settings ...
Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+/memtest.bin

I surfed the forum and I tried updating the menü following this post, but no success.
Now I am not an advanced user, but I need to know how can I edit my Grub Menü, rename de sections, remove the double ones and delete the second Windows Position. I don`t even Know why after the Update a second one was added. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Now I tried to reinstall my Grub Customizer (removed during update), but I backed up, because is asking me if “remove GRUB”… Looks kind of dangerous.

[stefan@M6800 ~]$ sudo pacman -S grub-customizer
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
:: grub-customizer and grub are in conflict. Remove grub? [y/N] 

Can anyone please summarize a way to edit this Grub menü the right way, so that Beginner or Medium Users understand and can do whitout messing ths sistem up? I dont seem to find anything in WIKI either.
I have attached Terminal outcom of my today’s update and a Screenshot below how my Grub Menü looks now after the update.
this is how it looks after the Update. The first Windows Pos. came additionaly. I only want one.

Support I appreciate it in advance.

First of all… :arrow_down:

DO NOT USE grub-customizer IN MANJARO!

Seriously, do not use it. Manjaro uses a customized version of GRUB, and grub-customizer completely messes that up.

Now, in order to fix your problem, you need to uninstall grub-customizer and clean out the mess it made, and then reinstall GRUB. It is important that you do not shut down or reboot your system before all of this is done… :arrow_down:

sudo pacman -R grub-customizer
sudo rm -f /etc/grub.d/*
sudo pacman -S grub
sudo grub-install --recheck --no-rs-codes
sudo update-grub

Cross your fingers… :crossed_fingers:


This new idea by Manjaro is also a topic of conversation in Germany. One of the most helpful tools (among many other things too) no longer works in Manjaro. Keep it up, Manjaro :smiley:

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This is not a “new idea by Manjaro”. Manjaro has been using a customized version of GRUB for a long time already, and grub-customizer is also known to mess up the boot loaders of other distributions.

If you insist on using grub-customizer, then you should use the grub-vanilla boot loader instead of Manjaro’s grub package. Manjaro explicitly warns against the use of grub-customizer in the package itself, but the package is still being offered to the users in case they would like to use the grub-vanilla boot loader instead.

Manjaro goes out of its way to provide for a user-friendly Arch-based distribution, but the one thing Manjaro cannot do is protect users against their unwillingness to read the documentation ─ and for the record, I’m not saying that this would be the case for the original poster of this thread.

If users were to do their due diligence, then we wouldn’t be seeing on average five to ten new threads every day about the same problem ─ a problem that has been discussed and solved here at the forum a hundred times already. The grub-customizer issue is one of those topics that has already been addressed a gazillion times, both here at the new forum and at the old one. Nvidia issues are another such topic.

I am Flemish, and in the Dutch language, we have a proverb which translates to English ─ but loses its rhyme in the process ─ as…

What use are a candle and glasses if the owl doesn’t want to read?


I can confirm GC is not recommended in MX linux forum. But of course mx has its own simplified gui tool to configure some aspects of grub.

But Aragon, the advice to use grub vanilla (in order to use gc) is outdated. With its lack of maintenance, it no longer can work with update-grub command after this recent update.

Thank you for the reply.
Yes, I dont want to use Grub Customizer either, it just made things “easy” for me as a beginner and not an advanced Terminal user. I want to go away from this, but still need to understand the manual editing way!
But I am learning every day and I support everything that Manjaro is doing. I use this OS sind 2014!

In the meantime I managed to find a solution for my Grub Menü double entery problem.
This post there helped me.

I Renamed my etc/grub.d folder, installed Grub newly and rebooted. Then the double entery of WIN10 was gone.

M6800 /etc # mv grub.d grub.d.old
M6800 /etc # pacman -Syu grub

But what I still need to know:
* Where do I rename the Windows Entery in the Grub Menü?
* Where and how do I need to change the name of that position in the Grub?
* How do delete the renamed /etc/grub.d.old folder?
* What are these files below?

[stefan@M6800 grub.d]$ ls 
00_header  10_linux  20_linux_xen  30_os-prober  30_uefi-firmware  40_custom  41_custom  README

The archwiki page on this might be useful, specifically the custom grub.cfg section. (I would link it if it would let me)

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I think you don’t need to reinstall the bootloader (grub-install line). Grub-customizer only affects the grub.cfg file, not the bootloader code itself.

Many users of the Grup Customizer report what I confirm. The Customizer was used for years without any problems to eliminate multiple entries in the grub menu. Like all other system tools, the customizer needs to be used with care. I have not yet read a specific case study of what the customizer is demonstrably doing wrong. What you read are dark suspicions and immediate rejection if even the word Grub Customizer is mentioned. I would expect a competent owl that not only reads and recites, but also brings light into the darkness. To add something to the thread: Yesterday on one of my PC Manjaro in legacy triple boot with Win and Mint: Everything went fine - until Manjaro installed on a separate medium finally took over the grub. After finishing and restarting, I saw old friends again. Nonsensical multiple entries in the Grub menu.
Hm, so once Grub Vanilla installed and - system hangs after restart :laughing:

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I’ve been following this debate from the beginning and here’s my 2c:

I’m not a developer or anything like that. I just value privacy in a world where it’s becoming an illusion more and more.

I don’t want to be a party-pooper, or anything like that, but as @Aragorn said, Manjaro uses a custom grub, so anything done 3rd-party app, like Grub-Customizer has a very big chance of causing problems, creating errors.

Personally, I don’t like the idea of something being able to mess up my system. If it hasn’t happened to you, while the internet is riddled with reports of problems with it, you are extremely lucky! That doesn’t mean you should tempt fate, though.

The bootloader (Grub in this case) has a LOT of power, and can easily create…problems. Problems that would then have been Manjaro’s fault. Let’s not kid ourselves, if something were to happen, the Manjaro Team would have been blamed. Most likely for “Allowing something known to cause problems.”

The Manjaro Team is just looking after their product, which is Manjaro Linux, their users, which are all of us, and thus themselves, their reputation.

I’ll probably get in trouble for this post, but here it is.


So someone has to program the “Manjaro-Grub-Tiger”.
CODERS: Please do not push… :innocent:

So without grub-customizer, what is a SIMPLE way to make Windows the default entry?

Manjaro GRUB by default has option GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true in /etc/default/grub
GRUB will remember the user-selection and continue to boot from the same selection, until user chooses another option to boot

Other distributions do not allow selected boot option to be saved so GRUB will usually return to booting from first entry

Because Manjaro GRUB can be selected to boot from any option available in GRUB, there is no need to re-order the list of boot options

No, this option is “false” by default. I changed it to “true” but the behavior of grub does not change: grub boots to Manjaro Linux regardless of whether Linux or Windows 10 was selected previously. (Manjaro Linux is the first entry in the list.)

I need to make Windows the first entry or the default selection for grub, because of other users on this computer who want to use Windows only and don’t want to have to go into the grub selection every time they start up.

Thanks for pointing out the location /etc/default/grub. That helps.

You have to run… :arrow_down:

sudo update-grub

… after making any changes to /etc/default/grub.

I think you have to change this line as well, or comment it out:


Another approach would be to set GRUB_DEFAULT to a number, corresponding to the order of the items in the GRUB menu, with the first item in the menu corresponding to 0. You will then of course have to set GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT to false.

And then, of course, you must run… :arrow_down:

sudo update-grub

This is a different use-case to OP and needs a different option to keep Windows as the default boot
option GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT should be disabled to stop any change to boot option being saved

The option GRUB_DEFAULT can be edited to use a specific number or name from the menuentry list on GRUB

Using the menuentry number is not good for the Windows boot option because the number will change if Manjaro kernels are added or removed from the list in GRUB

If OP wanted grub to boot Windows, option would be something like

GRUB_DEFAULT="Windows Boot Manager (on /dev/sda2/)"

This command will show Windows menuentry name(s) in GRUB specific to your system

sudo grep Windows /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Thanks! This :arrow_up:, plus sudo update-grub, did the trick.