Latest update (01.01.2021) - where did kernel 5.7 go and how to bring it back?

@famo Tuxedo is so busy that they need at least one week to reply to anything - and you get bounced between support guys having to explain the same thing over and over - each week.

They did not even know that 20.04 Ubuntu/TuxedoOS with default kernel was not working on this model. I mean… the machine booted up just fine… but the uptime was like 30 minutes max before crashing. I then installed a different mainline kernel to get it to work.

@Wollie If you can explain… the LTS sticker on 5.4 - who is offering that support? And does that mean that 5.4 will also get update for hardware drivers or not? Do new drivers like amd_gpu get merged into 5.4?

@Wollie Nevermind that… I did some reading and found the answers. It’s ‘Linux’ that does the EOL and LTS… I’ll do some debugging to see why 5.4 won’t boot up into X…

The only thing, if you can help is that I’d like to determine when 5.4 was last updated. The Manjaro Settings Manager just lists the ‘release’ date of 5.4 (as 24/11/2019)… but when was it last updated/built in Manjaro? And where is the latest changelog?

According to my pamac history Kernel 5.4 was updated with the last update in 2020-12-31…
I think @Wollie got it right, you should install one of the supported kernels (you have pretty new hardware so 5.10.2 could be a good start) and then solve the various issue you encounter along the way!
I understand you expect everything to work out of the box because you bought “linux supported hardware”, and I feel your frustration, but I think that a good part of using Linux is to get your hands dirty and do some troubleshooting and problem solving.
I always found kind users and a lot of help on this forum, I’m sure you will too.

Best source is

@Wollie Thanks! Latest update was 30.12.2020… there were some AMD merges. Must check what’s wrong with X when using 5.4.