Laptop display detected but not working

i will try this tomorrow my friend, cause it s late here. I will tell you tomorrow. i appreciate your help! :slightly_smiling_face:

hello again. i just started my laptop with acpi_backlight=video kernel parameter and nothing changed :disappointed:

cat /proc/cmdline
BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-6.1-x86_64 root=UUID=a81d12d0-2400-4f56-91dd-948ef50ca9d7 rw quiet apparmor=1 security=apparmor udev.log_priority=3 acpi_backlight=video
ls /sys/class/backlight

but i also tried many other kernels like

  • linux510
  • linux515
  • linux54

:scream_cat: i just switched to linux419 and now it is finally working again like a charm!!!
But what is going on… I was on linux54 for a whole year. Why it does not support my laptop screen suddenly?
Anyways I m happy again…!
…at least for now

@Aris I would advise you send a report with the needed information from the blog to the developer. He seems to be responsible for this refactoring, which affects your HP Laptop. Maybe it gets patched soon.

i will. it s strange though, that i have not seen someone having the same problem with me after the lastest update

anyway, thank you for spending so much time trying to help

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