Kwin_scene_opengl: A graphics reset attributable to the current GL context occurred

When I unsuccessfully tried to install the last big update, I completely broke the system, and I finally broke it in chroot on a live drive. I reinstalled fresh sys with old home part (it deletes all hidden and configs from home part and replaced the root partition completely).
So In the new system with kde6, I faced the problem of intermittent graphics freezes it looks like this in journalcrl:

Jun 25 18:18:17 username xembedsniproxy[1178]: Container window visible, stack below
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: OpenGL vendor string:                   NVIDIA Corporation
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: OpenGL renderer string:                 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680/PCIe/SSE2
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: OpenGL version string:                  3.1.0 NVIDIA 470.256.02
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: OpenGL shading language version string: 1.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: Driver:                                 NVIDIA
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: Driver version:                         470.256.2
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: GPU class:                              Unknown
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: OpenGL version:                         3.1
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: GLSL version:                           1.40
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: Requires strict binding:                no
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: Virtual Machine:                        no
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: Timer query support:                    yes
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: BlurConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: GlideConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: KscreenConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: OverviewConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: SlideConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: SlidingPopupsConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: WindowViewConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
Jun 25 18:18:18 username kwin_x11[1110]: ZoomConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring

The picture itself freezes, while the sound goes on (this can be seen from the running videos). As a rule, I encounter this problem in browsers (GChrome and FireFox), but it seems to have been somewhere else…
Part of my inxi -F:

  Host: username Kernel: 6.6.32-1-MANJARO arch: x86_64 bits: 64
  Desktop: KDE Plasma v: 6.0.5 Distro: Manjaro Linux
  Type: Desktop System: ASUS product: All Series v: N/A serial: N/A
  Mobo: ASUSTeK model: H87-PLUS v: Rev X.0x serial: 130410807103833
    UEFI: American Megatrends v: 0310 date: 04/07/2013
  Info: quad core model: Intel Core i7-4770K bits: 64 type: MT MCP cache:
    L2: 1024 KiB
  Speed (MHz): avg: 2449 min/max: 800/3900 cores: 1: 2669 2: 3449 3: 800
    4: 3577 5: 3493 6: 2326 7: 1600 8: 1680
  Device-1: NVIDIA GK104 [GeForce GTX 680] driver: nvidia v: 470.256.02
  Display: server: X.Org v: 21.1.13 with: Xwayland v: 24.1.0 driver: X:
    loaded: nvidia gpu: nvidia s-res: 3640x1920
  API: EGL v: 1.5 drivers: kms_swrast,nvidia,swrast
    platforms: gbm,x11,surfaceless,device
  API: OpenGL v: 4.6.0 compat-v: 4.5 vendor: nvidia mesa v: 470.256.02
    renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680/PCIe/SSE2
  API: Vulkan v: 1.3.279 drivers: nvidia surfaces: xcb,xlib

So It seems to me that this happens at those moments when the application tries to use OpenGL. Perhaps after reinstalling the system, I have some kind of misconfiguration and missing some drivers or something else…

I changed the latest 6.9 kernel to 6.6, but unfortunately it didn’t help so.

Btw when I’m typing this text catch freeze again.

So maybe I don’t see something obvious. I will be extremely grateful for your help. Using such a freezing system is a pain.