Recently made the switch to Manjaro from Linux Mint. Part of my workflow is I do a lot in Doom Emacs. I rely a lot on Magit to pull and upload notes. Problem is I have to enter in the Passphrase for my ssh keys every time. Wasn’t a problem when I was using Cinnamon but I think it is more the gnome-keyring handling things.
I’ve followed the notes Here and Here but have gotten nowhere.
Was wondering if anyone else may have seen this issue. I’m sure I’m missing a config somewhere.
Ok, got things working. There is a little more to it but the guide posted in the Manjaro forum above had the solution farther down in the comments. Here is the trick
First, I am assuming that the guide here was followed and you ended up with a key named id_ed25519
That seems to have done it. Not only can I run git from the command line, I can also do it in Doom Emacs without getting asked to enter my passphrase.
Hopefully this helps others. Take care and no, you can’t just google this. Sometimes you got to take time and read it, something I unfortunately lack during the week.