Kscreenlocker wrong password delay

It’s possible to change kscreenlocker wrong password delay?

My display manager is SDDM.

auth            include         system-login
auth            optional        pam_kwallet5.so
account         include         system-login
password        include         system-login
session         include         system-login
session         optional        pam_kwallet5.so         auto_start

I’ve add nodelay or change with delay=1000000 to auth entry in /etc/pam.d/system-auth but delay was still 2s…

cat /etc/pam.d/system-auth


auth       required                    pam_faillock.so      preauth
# Optionally use requisite above if you do not want to prompt for the password on locked accounts.

-auth      [success=2 default=ignore]  pam_systemd_home.so
auth       [success=1 default=bad]     pam_unix.so          try_first_pass nullok nodelay
auth       [default=die]               pam_faillock.so      authfail
auth       optional                    pam_permit.so
auth       required                    pam_env.so
auth       required                    pam_faillock.so      authsucc
# If you drop the above call to pam_faillock.so the lock will be done also on non-consecutive authentication failures.

-account   [success=1 default=ignore]  pam_systemd_home.so
account    required                    pam_unix.so
account    optional                    pam_permit.so
account    required                    pam_time.so

-password  [success=1 default=ignore]  pam_systemd_home.so
password   required                    pam_unix.so          try_first_pass nullok shadow
password   optional                    pam_permit.so

-session   optional                    pam_systemd_home.so
session    required                    pam_limits.so
session    required                    pam_unix.so
session    optional                    pam_permit.so

:frowning: any ideas?

Probably take a look at the theme. Probably in one of the qml file there is the delay defined. PAM will not help here. Find the file LockScreenUi.qml and look for Timer within the content.

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Thanks @megavolt!!! :))

I’ve found file in

Inside i’ve edited graceLockTimer as

        Timer {
            id: graceLockTimer
            //interval: 3000
            interval: 0
            onTriggered: {

and now delay was removed! :grinning:

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