Kms driver issue on the Raspberry pi 4 electron

Hey just wanted to report a driver bug with the newer kms driver when using electron. It would cause graphic issues in the electron application or wont show anything…

[corey@corey-pi4 game_test]$ npm start

> game_test@1.0.0 start
> electron .

MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
MESA-LOADER: failed to open kms_swrast: /usr/lib/dri/ cannot open shared object file: Permission denied (search paths /usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
failed to load driver: kms_swrast
MESA-LOADER: failed to open swrast: /usr/lib/dri/ cannot open shared object file: Permission denied (search paths /usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
failed to load swrast driver
[17553:0603/] [GroupMarkerNotSet(!:B8F8920030000000] GL_INVALID_ENUM: Invalid pname.
[17553:0603/] [GroupMarkerNotSet(!:B8F8920030000000] GL_INVALID_ENUM: Invalid pname.
[17553:0603/] ContextResult::kFatalFailure: ES3 is blocklisted/disabled/unsupported by driver.