Kicad-nightly no longer installable

Hi there,

Not sure if this is a Manjaro or an AUR or even a KiCAD problem, I’m hoping somebody in here can help me / point me in the right direction.

I can no longer install / update kicad-nightly via pamac (other packages work just fine).

sudo pamac install kicad-nightly

leads to:

To build (1):
  kicad-nightly  6.99.0_2659_gfe3a112396-1    AUR

Edit build files : [e] 
Apply transaction ? [e/y/N] y

looking good so far, but then:

==> Starting prepare()...
can't find file to patch at input line 3
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|--- CMakeModules/Functions.cmake       2022-01-22 01:30:53.516011218 +0000
|+++ CMakeModules/   2022-01-22 02:20:01.277354828 +0000
File to patch:

Any hints?

  • pamac is not pacman.
  • You don’t need to use sudo with pamac

Do you also have the problem when building the manual way?

The patch is no longer applying. The AUR package maintainer will have to adapt to whatever upstream changes there have been.

Why not use the kicad community repo package?

Thanks for the fast answers.

pacman / pamac → will correct my initial post

is this considered manual ?

git clone
makepkg -si

It yields the same result.

Did inform the maintainer.

I am using the nightly because I am stuck between a rock and a hard place … Before 6.0 was out I started using the nightly because I liked it way better then the 5.x. When 6.0 was released and I should have switched to stable … but I did not and it was in a time when I did a lot of PCBs. I only noticed it when plugins started breaking, but now I have a dozen PCBs and a library in 6.99 …
This issue here may be the nudge I need to start using stable again :slight_smile: