Kernel Not found after updating to the new update tonight

I did the new update tonight, and while installing it, I noticed that pamac uninstalled the kernel I was using. Now, GRUB complains that there is no kernel. I can’t use a fallback kernel either. How do I change to a different kernel and get back to my Manjaro install.

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  1. try choosing advance options and choose fallback mode
    if still unable to, check this L I N K
    I had book marked these issues but unfortunately unable to access as it was from prev link.
    if still unable to, perhaps manjaro chroot from live medium and re-install of kernel / grub / update grub should help. check if you are onuefi OR bios first.

boot on your usb iso manjaro live
open a terminal

sudo manjaro-chroot -a ( type 1 if only one line appears )
pacman -Syy ( check ip is on )
mhwd-kernel -li ( list kernels installed )
mhwd-kernel -i linux54
mhwd-kernel -i linux57
mhwd-kernel -i linux58
exit ( quit chroot )

if error , return all message ,
exit to quit chroot in all case

if ok reboot , press Esc for Grub to appears
and in detail menu select kernel version

Can you be a bit more precise, what was the error message and why can’t you use a fallback kernel or a kernel from advanced options in case you had more than one kernel installed, previously?

check if grub install points to the / OR /boot depending on how you installed.
l cuple of weeks back i went for a clean install of kde as dual boot along with win10. i had created independent efi for manjaro but somehow i could never get manjaro to boot.
i got same message of kernel not loaded.

i tried every permutation combination to keep the two efi seperate but finally i had to resign to the fact that dual efi boots will be fine only with ONE efi partition.

after reconfigure, i was able to boot ! just sharing my experience

EDIT: You will find the solution in one of following links


pacman -Syy
:: Synchronizing package databases
error: failed to update core (unable to lock database)
error: failed to update extra (unable to lock database)
error: failed to update community (unable to lock database)
error: failed to update multilib (unable to lock database)
error: failed to synchronize all databases

I tethered my phone to connect to internet. Also when running chroot, I was only given option 0, but it did accept when I typed in 1. Figured I’d let you know.

boot on your usb iso manjaro live
open a terminal

sudo manjaro-chroot -a ( type 1 if only one line appears )
rm -f /var/lib/pacman/db.lck
pacman -Syy ( check ip is on )
mhwd-kernel -li ( list kernels installed )
mhwd-kernel -i linux54
mhwd-kernel -i linux57
mhwd-kernel -i linux58
exit ( quit chroot )

if error , return all message ,
exit to quit chroot in all case

if ok reboot , press Esc for Grub to appears
and in detail menu select kernel version

Same issue here on manjaro KDE. I used a live CD to reinstall grub.

Solved my problem by doing
sudo manjaro-chroot -a ( type 1 if only one line appears )

rm -f /var/lib/pacman/db.lck

pacman -Syu
I had to delete some files to get Vulkan to update and complete the transaction. Afterward I rebooted and things worked perfectly.

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