Keepass no longer opens URL V: 2.45

Did a system update on Manjaro today. Everything seemed ok.
When trying to open a URL by clicking the URL link in the Keepass entry,
it returns a warning dialogue listing the URL on top line, then next line states
“Cannot find the specified file”

Edit: I deleted my configuration file. Restarted Keepass. Same results.


You might want to check /help/kb/faq.html

and search for that message. It is addressed about 2/3 down the page. I hope this is of help.

Thank you for the reply.
All my entries are complete
They were working in Keepass for years prior to this update.
Keepass was updated today also.
I was assuming (yeah, I know) that it was Keepass problem because other apps still work correctly.
For example, clicking a link the my email still opens my browser. But there may be something not working correctly in the update of Manjaro’s handling of URL’s passed from Keepass.
I’ve tried the cmd override command also, to no avail.
I thought that overriding the auto pass of the URL to manual override directly to the browser would bypass the error. But that didn’t work either.
Again, thank you for the reply/help.

Resolved it this way:
Tools -->Intergration --> URL Overrides
Bottom: checked Override all entry URLs:
cmd://firefox “{URL}”

Replace firefox with the command to start your preferred browser.
If it doesn’t work with some browsers, enter the full browser path.

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