Kdenlive wipe effects missing

I noticed that kdenlive is missing wipe effects. When I try to create an image sequence, the combo box related to wipe effects is completely empty. I read somewhere that effects are files that should be placed in specific locations, but I cannot find them in my system. Am I the only one with this issue? It is possible this is a packaging issue? I remember I had those effects in Kubuntu. Is this situation expected? Or is there a proper package to install?
Thank you!

is frei0r installed?

yes, frei0r-plugins 1.7.0-1.

I’m using Manjaro KDE and Kdenlive.
Wipe is available since day 1.
Simply selectable in filter list.

This is what I see.

Note that “wipe” is “available” and enabled, but the list is empty.