KDE Samba Problem

Yesterday I installed Manjaro 20.2 with KDE on my ThinkPad T14 and I can’t access Samba shares lying on my NAS balu. I always see this error

Internal Error
Please send a full bug report
Unbekannte Fehlersituation: [38] Die angeforderte Funktion ist nicht implementiert

On my desktop computer I use Manjaro with XFCE and can access Samba shares on my NAS balu without issues.

With XFCE I didn’t edit /etc/fstab or another stuff, I could easily access the shared inside Thunar. What is going wrong with KDE?


Hi @JaKno,
Welcome to the Forum!
Please, consider to read this post in order to find a solution of your problem.
How to have my Samba share show in file directory

Hope it help, regards

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Please give your full mount command and NAS config if the above doesn’t solve your issue…
