KDE KickOff Launcher / Desktop highlight bar gone

On KDE Plasma HiDPI Wayland the stable update of July 17 resulted in having no highlighting bar when hovering the mouse pointer in the Application Launcher aka the Main Menu. In e.g. System Settings or Firefox the menu items are highlighted but in the Launcher not.
This is also true for the KDE Task Switcher and the Desktop. I have reported this in the feedback topic but sofar without response (that is ok / np).

What would be the next steps to get the highlighted bar back? I am OK to do the work myself but would appreciate some hints / tips to get ahead. (Google only found 1 reddit message about the same issue i.e. “Highlight (on mouseover or arrow keys) on Application Launcher no longer works after the Manjaro update of 22/09/12” , also without any response.)


I would have noticed - it may be a theming issue - reset your theme - preferably to the default Manjaro or Plasma then restart your system.

Could be a cache issue - your local ~/.cache folder.

I suppose it is something like this you mean?


Yes, it was the cache! Thanks

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