KDE Keyboard shortcut to lock session not working

KDE Plasma: 6.0.5
Kernel: 6.6.46-1
Graphics Platform: X11

Ctrl+Alt+L is not working on my home computer. The funny thing is it works fine on my work computer, even though both are identical as far as the hardware, CPU, GPU and etc. I found an article on Arch, that states “just go to Shotcuts editor and add a custom shortcut to achieve what you need”. I’m not sure how to do that, or why the shortcut works at work, but not on my home computer!

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Meta+L is already checked but the screen still doesn’t lock by pressing Ctrl+Alt+L. Where and how do you add custom short cut?

Can you really not see the problem? :smiley:

MetaL is not the same thing as CtrlAltL.

The Meta key is the key with the MS-Windows logo on it. There will normally be two of those — one on either side of the space bar.

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Okay, so how do I fix this? I can type on krunner lock and that works, but not the shortcut.

By pressing the correct keys.

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Could you be more specific? How to do I activate the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+L?

I don’t see why you would want it to be CtrlAltL when the default is already set to MetaL, but okay.

Select the section in System Settings as per my screenshot, and then click on the button labeled None. It’ll allow you to define a shortcut. You will see the logo on the button change to “Input…” or something of the likes. Now press CtrlAltL and then click OK.

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Sorry about the confusion! I just figured out after your reply. It actually works once I figured Meta+L! :blush: The funny thing is I always press Ctrl+Alt+L to lock my work computer when I walk way and I never created any custom shortcut! I have to check on it when I go back to work tomorrow.
Anyway thanks for your reply.

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