Kate + Wayland, how to open different documents on different virtual desktops?


I usually work with different virtual desktops, I open different files with kate on different virtual desktops, but with wayland I don’t find how to open the files on each desktop, in fact, I can’t open a file on each desktop, every files are open with the same kate on a desktop.

No problem with x11 session, I open the file I need on a virtual desktop, and son on with the other files on the other virtual desktops.

Try to pen a file on a virtual desktop with kate with wayland, next try to open an other file on a second virtual desktop with kate, the second file will be open on the first desktop with kate, and so on, not practice

Only solution found, right click on the second open document tab and select “detach document”

Thanks for your answer.

Edit 1) In my case, when I open files with Kate on different virtual desktops, Wayland groups all the Kate windows into a single instance. Therefore, when I open another file, it is grouped with the existing instance of Kate instead of creating a new separate instance on another virtual desktop.

[aragorn] >   kate --help
Usage: kate [options] [urls...]
Kate - Advanced Text Editor

  -h, --help                 Displays help on commandline options.
  --help-all                 Displays help including Qt specific options.
  -v, --version              Displays version information.
  --author                   Show author information.
  --license                  Show license information.
  --desktopfile <file name>  The base file name of the desktop entry for this
  -s, --start <session>      Start Kate with a given session.
  --startanon                Start Kate with a new anonymous session, implies
  -n, --new                  Force start of a new kate instance (is ignored if
                             start is used and another kate instance already has
                             the given session opened), forced if no parameters
                             and no URLs are given at all.
  -b, --block                If using an already running kate instance, block
                             until it exits, if URLs given to open.
  -p, --pid <pid>            Only try to reuse kate instance with this pid (is
                             ignored if start is used and another kate instance
                             already has the given session opened).
  -e, --encoding <encoding>  Set encoding for the file to open.
  -l, --line <line>          Navigate to this line.
  -c, --column <column>      Navigate to this column.
  -i, --stdin                Read the contents of stdin.
  --tempfile                 The files/URLs opened by the application will be
                             deleted after use

  urls                       Documents to open.

[aragorn] >
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thanks for your answer

I note some improvement with the command kate --new file1.txt on each virtual desktop

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If you don’t actually need kate’s session management, you can try using kwrite instead. It uses the same underlying editor — i.e. ktexteditor — so you do still get all of the same editing abilities as you get with kate.

In addition to that, you could create dedicated launchers — i.e. .desktop files — for launching an application on a virtual desktop of your choice by way of kstart5. :arrow_down:

[aragorn] >   kstart5 --help
Usage: kstart5 [options]
Utility to launch applications with special window properties 
such as iconified, maximized, a certain virtual desktop, a special decoration
and so on.

  -h, --help                   Displays help on commandline options.
  --help-all                   Displays help including Qt specific options.
  -v, --version                Displays version information.
  --author                     Show author information.
  --license                    Show license information.
  --desktopfile <file name>    The base file name of the desktop entry for this
  --!+command                  Command to execute
  --service <desktopfile>      Alternative to <command>: desktop file path to
                               start. D-Bus service will be printed to stdout.
                               Deprecated: use --application
  --application <desktopfile>  Alternative to <command>: desktop file to start.
  --url <url>                  Optional URL to pass <desktopfile>, when using
  --window <regexp>            A regular expression matching the window title
  --windowclass <class>        A string matching the window class (WM_CLASS
                               The window class can be found out by running
                               'xprop | grep WM_CLASS' and clicking on a window
                               (use either both parts separated by a space or
                               only the right part).
                               NOTE: If you specify neither window title nor
                               window class,
                               then the very first window to appear will be
                               omitting both options is NOT recommended.
  --desktop <number>           Desktop on which to make the window appear
  --currentdesktop             Make the window appear on the desktop that was
                               when starting the application
  --alldesktops                Make the window appear on all desktops
  --iconify                    Iconify the window
  --maximize                   Maximize the window
  --maximize-vertically        Maximize the window vertically
  --maximize-horizontally      Maximize the window horizontally
  --fullscreen                 Show window fullscreen
  --type <type>                The window type: Normal, Desktop, Dock, Toolbar,
                               Menu, Dialog, TopMenu or Override
  --activate                   Jump to the window even if it is started on a 
                               different virtual desktop
  --ontop, --keepabove         Try to keep the window above other windows
  --onbottom, --keepbelow      Try to keep the window below other windows
  --skiptaskbar                The window does not get an entry in the taskbar
  --skippager                  The window does not get an entry on the pager

[aragorn] >  
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ok, nice, kwrite open a file on a virtual dekstop, and so on with the other files on the other virtual desktop.

now the question is how to open a second open file with the same kwrite on a virtual dektop, I mean is kwrite abble to open files on different tab ?

edit 1

If you open the file with kwrite on a different desktop — say, from within dolphin — then it’ll open a new session on that particular virtual desktop.

thanks for your answer, the simple way is to open the second file with “open file” and a second tab appear on kwrite

But I thought that was exactly what you were trying to avoid? In your opening post, you stated that you wanted to open the editor with different files on different virtual desktops. What you are saying now is that you want to have different files in tabs on the same virtual desktop.

Now I’m confused. :confused:

Don’t worry, sometime I’m not clear with my English explanation, kwrite solve the problem :slight_smile:
kwrite is not kate…

A KDE dev gave the solution

Check in configure :
kate → behaviour → open each document in its own window.

Now kate open each document in its own window.

have a look

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