K3B permission problems burning DVD

Hi everybody

I know this problem was mentioned several times, e.g. https://forum.manjaro.org/t/k3b-can-t-burn-iso-image/3691

But it still exists :frowning:

I’ve got Manjaro Plasma/KDE editiion with all latest updates, kernel 6.11.11-1 etc. Hardware is HP Workstation Z230, 32 GB RAM and two SSD 1 and 1.6 TB.
I use external DVD recorder TSSTcorp CDDVDW SE-218BB, connected to USB port.

I’ve used k3b for many years, also with this recorder, but never under Manjaro and on this comp. So when I needed to burn several DVDs, I’ve just installed it here and started to work. And during one day it went perfectly - about 20 disks burned.

Then a day after I started new “Data disk project”. Three disks burned without problems, and on 4th one I’ve got error window about permissions.


I’ve pressed “Change permissions”:

But when I tried to burn, same error came again…
I’ve checked from console:

for i in /usr/bin/cdrdao /usr/sbin/cdrdao /sbin/cdrdao /usr/bin/cdrecord /usr/sbin/cdrecord /sbin/cdrecord /usr/bin/growisofs /usr/sbin/growisofs /sbin/growisofs; do stat -c ‘%a’ $i;done

It looks like everything is ok?
Also K3B claims ownership problem on EVERY start:

And again Ipress “Add”, enter my password… nothing.
By the way, I’m logged in as user “temo”:

[temo@temo-z230 ~]$ groups temo
wheel lp optical sys network power adbusers vboxsf vboxusers lxd

I am member of group “optical”, but K3B “didn’t see it” :frowning:

I’ve checked the location of k3bhelper:
[temo@temo-z230 /]$ locate k3bhelper

[temo-z230 kauth]# cat /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/org.kde.k3b.service
[D-BUS Service]

So, it looks like everything is OK… with one small “BUT”: k3b DOESN’T work. Any more :slight_smile:

So, I’m short on ideas now. I can go “Windows way” and restart comp, but I’m not sure it will help - there is noi reason for it. But there was no reason for this sudden fail - also…

Will be greatly thankful on ANY suggestions, ideas or mentions.

UPD. I restarted comp (as a last hope) and started k3b. Again problems of permissions:

Again cdrecord problems.
So I did:
[temo-z230 temo]#for i in /usr/bin/cdrecord /usr/sbin/cdrecord /sbin/cdrecord ; do chmod 4710 $i;done
Now is:
[temo-z230 temo]# for i in /usr/bin/cdrdao /usr/sbin/cdrdao /sbin/cdrdao /usr/bin/cdrecord /usr/sbin/cdrecord /sbin/cdrecord /usr/bin/growisofs /usr/sbin/growisofs /sbin/growisofs; do stat -c ‘%a’ $i;done

And - SURPRISE! - now it WORKS! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What the hell does it mean? Let’s see how long will it work…

P.S. Seriously, guys. Last years Linux becomes more and more look like Windoze… strange behaviors, unexpected mistakes, when you cannot find any logical reason and have to use some magic…

This seems a strange one to me, but do check you still have ownership (and correct permissions) of the mount-point for your optical drive.

[temo-z230 temo]# ls -la /dev/cdrom
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Dec 19 19:07 /dev/cdrom → sr0
[temo-z230 temo]# ls -la /dev/sr0
brw-rw----+ 1 root optical 11, 0 Dec 19 19:07 /dev/sr0

As I’m a member of optical group - seems that yes.

Permissions look correct but I’m not convinced re. ownership. I’d try changing that e.g.:

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /dev/cdrom

(you can change this back if it doesn’t work).

I’ll leave this here - this was done differently before the systemd era:

Users and groups - ArchWiki

It has been a long time that I used a writer/burner

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I have a burner here somewhere (there actually is a built-in one on the other machine, which I use occasionally, but usually just for playing commercial DVDs).

What I do remember though is having to take ownership of the mountpoint (same goes for my /DATA partition on each machine).

In case a comparison of permissions might help:

Program Permissions New Permissions
/usr/bin/cdrdao 0755 root.root 4710 root.optical
/usr/sbin/cdrdao 0755 root.root 4710 root.optical
/sbin/cdrdao 0755 root.root 4710 root.optical
/usr/bin/cdrecord 4755 root.root 4710 root.optical
/usr/sbin/cdrecord 4755 root.root 4710 root.optical
/sbin/cdrecord 4755 root.root 4710 root.optical
/usr/bin/growisofs 0755 root.root 0750 root.optical
/usr/sbin/growisofs 0755 root.root 0750 root.optical
/sbin/growisofs 0755 root.root 0750 root.optical

With these permissions my k3b works as expected.

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The required rights and group membership can be set with the following commands:

sudo chmod 4710 /usr/bin/cdrdao
sudo chmod 4710 /usr/bin/cdrecord
sudo chmod 0750 /usr/bin/growisofs

sudo chmod 4710 /usr/sbin/cdrdao
sudo chmod 4710 /usr/sbin/cdrecord
sudo chmod 0750 /usr/sbin/growisofs

sudo chmod 4710 /sbin/cdrdao
sudo chmod 4710 /sbin/cdrecord
sudo chmod 750 /sbin/growisofs

sudo chown root:optical /usr/bin/cdrecord
sudo chown root:optical /usr/bin/cdrdao
sudo chown root:optical /usr/bin/growisofs

Finaly add your user to GROUP optical:
sudo usermod -a yourusername -G optical

…these are some old notes, setting up a troublefree “clic-clic” solution for CD burning, so my wife was able to use it.


Tsssssss… It still works… :slight_smile:

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Sorry for the confusion.
Are you now saying you no longer have this issue?


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