Jupyter-console not working


reinstall output:

: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
 multilib is up to date
warning: jupyter-console-6.6.3-2 is up to date -- reinstalling
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (1) jupyter-console-6.6.3-2

Total Installed Size:  0,19 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:      0,00 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
(1/1) checking keys in keyring                                                                 [#######################################################] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity                                                               [#######################################################] 100%
(1/1) loading package files                                                                    [#######################################################] 100%
(1/1) checking for file conflicts                                                              [#######################################################] 100%
(1/1) checking available disk space                                                            [#######################################################] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
(1/1) reinstalling jupyter-console                                                             [#######################################################] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...


Looking at this now: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/444195/pip-freeze-lists-packages-uninstalled-through-pip-then-reinstalled-through-pacm

Can you try running that script and posting output here:

wget https://gist.github.com/hoefling/314565368a66c308b4d7d407a3028cb7/raw/7b81553fa0a84b92a90fbaa0746482d0ec18516c/pip-query -O pip-query
chmod +x pip-query

pip-query script output:

[hafid@hafid-hp temp_jupyter-console_fix]$ ./pip-query 
/home/hafid/temp_jupyter-console_fix/./pip-query:7: DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/pkg_resources.html
  import pkg_resources
Package             Version                            Owner
------------------- ---------------------------------- -------------------------
Jinja2              3.1.2                              python-jinja
LibAppArmor         3.1.6                              apparmor
MarkupSafe          2.1.3                              python-markupsafe
Pillow              10.1.0                             python-pillow
PyGObject           3.46.0                             python-gobject
PyQt5               5.15.10                            python-pyqt5
PyQt5-sip           12.13.0                            python-pyqt5-sip
PyQt6               6.6.1                              python-pyqt6
PyQt6-sip           13.6.0                             python-pyqt6-sip
PySocks             1.7.1                              python-pysocks
PyYAML              6.0.1                              python-yaml
QTermWidget         1.4.0                              qtermwidget
QtPy                2.4.0                              python-qtpy
Quamash             0.6.1                              python-quamash-git
SecretStorage       3.3.3                              python-secretstorage
annotated-types     0.6.0                              python-annotated-types
apparmor            3.1.6                              apparmor
appdirs             1.4.4                              python-appdirs
arandr              0.1.11                             arandr
argcomplete         2.0.0                              python-argcomplete
asttokens           2.4.1                              python-asttokens
attrs               23.1.0                             python-attrs
autocommand         2.2.2                              python-autocommand
autopep8            2.0.4                              autopep8
bcrypt              4.1.2                              python-bcrypt
beautifulsoup4      4.12.2                             python-beautifulsoup4
btrfsutil           6.6.3                              btrfs-progs
cachecontrol        0.13.1                             python-cachecontrol
certifi             2023.11.17                         python-certifi
cffi                1.16.0                             python-cffi
chardet             5.2.0                              python-chardet
charset-normalizer  3.3.2                              python-charset-normalizer
colorama            0.4.6                              python-colorama
comm                0.2.0                              python-comm
coverage            6.5.0                              python-coverage
cryptography        41.0.7                             python-cryptography
cssselect           1.2.0                              python-cssselect
dbus-python         1.3.2                              dbus-python
debugpy             1.8.0                              python-debugpy
decorator           5.1.1                              python-decorator
distro              1.8.0                              python-distro
dnspython           2.4.2                              python-dnspython
docopt              0.6.2                              python-docopt
entrypoints         0.4                                python-entrypoints
evillimiter         1.5.0                              evillimiter
executing           2.0.0                              python-executing
fastjsonschema      2.19.1                             python-fastjsonschema
filelock            3.13.1                             python-filelock
flake8              6.1.0                              flake8
gpg                 1.23.2                             python-gpgme
graphviz            0.20.1                             python-graphviz
gufw                24.4.0                             gufw
idna                3.5                                python-idna
importlib-metadata  5.0.0                              python-importlib-metadata
inflect             7.0.0                              python-inflect
ipykernel           6.28.0                             python-ipykernel
ipython             8.19.0                             ipython
ipython-genutils    0.2.0                              python-ipython-genutils
jaraco.classes      3.3.0                              python-jaraco.classes
jaraco.context      4.3.0                              python-jaraco.context
jaraco.functools    3.9.0                              python-jaraco.functools
jaraco.text         3.11.1                             python-jaraco.text
jedi                0.19.1                             python-jedi
jeepney             0.8.0                              python-jeepney
jupyter-client      8.6.0                              python-jupyter-client
jupyter-console     6.6.3                              jupyter-console
jupyter-core        5.6.0                              python-jupyter-core
keyring             24.3.0                             python-keyring
keyutils            0.6                                python-keyutils
lockfile            0.12.2                             python-lockfile
lxml                4.9.2                              python-lxml
matplotlib-inline   0.1.6                              python-matplotlib-inline
mccabe              0.7.0                              python-mccabe
more-itertools      10.1.0                             python-more-itertools
msgpack             1.0.5                              python-msgpack
nest-asyncio        1.5.7                              python-nest-asyncio
netaddr             0.8.0                              python-netaddr
netifaces           0.11.0                             python-netifaces
netsnmp-python      1.0a1                              net-snmp
nftables            0.1                                nftables
npyscreen           4.10.5                             python-npyscreen
numpy               1.26.2                             python-numpy
onboard             1.4.1                              onboard
ordered-set         4.1.0                              python-ordered-set
packaging           23.2                               python-packaging
pacman-mirrors      4.24.0                             pacman-mirrors
parso               0.8.3                              python-parso
pexpect             4.9.0                              python-pexpect
pickleshare         0.7.5                              python-pickleshare
pip                 23.3.2                             python-pip
platformdirs        4.1.0                              python-platformdirs
ply                 3.11                               python-ply
prompt-toolkit      3.0.43                             python-prompt_toolkit
proton-client       0.7.1                              python-proton-client
protonvpn-cli       3.13.0                             protonvpn-cli
protonvpn-gui       1.12.0                             protonvpn-gui
protonvpn-nm-lib    3.16.0                             python-protonvpn-nm-lib
psutil              5.9.6                              python-psutil
ptyprocess          0.7.0                              python-ptyprocess
pure-eval           0.2.2                              python-pure-eval
pyOpenSSL           23.3.0                             python-pyopenssl
pycairo             1.25.1                             python-cairo
pycodestyle         2.11.1                             python-pycodestyle
pycparser           2.21                               python-pycparser
pycryptodomex       3.12.0                             python-pycryptodomex
pydantic            2.5.2                              python-pydantic
pydantic-core       2.14.5                             python-pydantic-core
pyflakes            3.1.0                              python-pyflakes
pygments            2.17.2                             python-pygments
pyserial            3.5                                python-pyserial
python-dateutil     2.8.2                              python-dateutil
python-gnupg        0.5.2                              python-gnupg
pythondialog        3.5.3                              python-pythondialog
pyxdg               0.28                               python-pyxdg
pyzmq               25.1.2                             python-pyzmq
qtconsole           5.5.1                              python-qtconsole
requests            2.31.0                             python-requests
scapy               2.5.0                              python-scapy
scour               0.38.2                             scour
setuptools          69.0.3                             python-setuptools
simplejson          3.19.2                             python-simplejson
six                 1.16.0                             python-six
smbus               1.1                                i2c-tools
soupsieve           2.5                                python-soupsieve
stack-data          0.6.3                              python-stack-data
systemd-python      235                                python-systemd
terminaltables      3.1.0                              python-terminaltables
tomli               2.0.1                              python-tomli
torbrowser-launcher 0.3.6                              torbrowser-launcher
tornado             6.3.2                              python-tornado
tqdm                4.66.1                             python-tqdm
traitlets           5.14.0                             python-traitlets
trove-classifiers   2023.12.1                          python-trove-classifiers
typing-extensions   4.9.0                              python-typing_extensions
udiskie             2.5.1                              udiskie
ufw                 0.36.2                             ufw
urllib3             1.26.18                            python-urllib3
validate-pyproject  0.13.post1.dev0+gb752273.d20230520 python-validate-pyproject
wcwidth             0.2.12                             python-wcwidth
wheel               0.42.0                             python-wheel
zipp                3.17.0                             python-zipp
zstandard           0.22.0                             python-zstandard

Well… it looks fine.
Now only two things that still come to mind…

  1. Try uninstall and reinstall with pacman -Rns jupyter-console && pacman -S jupyter-console


  1. switch to unstable branch or wait for another stable update – if newer versions of ipython and some other packages will fix it.

I get the same issue in another machine where I have never used pip.

So read my number 2 point.

Thank you for taking the time; I value it.

Test with new stable update.

The new stable update fixes the issue. Thank you!

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