Jamin-qt ui doesn't start

I installed Jamin-qt 20220726-1 it launches and a systray icon shows up, but when I attempt to show the UI I get an error

QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/src/app/MainApplicationWindow.qml:108:5: Type DaemonReconnectPopup unavailable
qrc:/src/app/commoncomponents/DaemonReconnectPopup.qml:26:1: Type BaseModalDialog unavailable
qrc:/src/app/commoncomponents/BaseModalDialog.qml:109:5: Type DropShadow unavailable
qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/Qt5Compat/GraphicalEffects/DropShadow.qml:6:1: Cannot load library /
usr/lib/qt6/qml/Qt5Compat/GraphicalEffects/private/libqtgraphicaleffectsprivateplugin.so: (libQt
6ShaderTools.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
Main window loaded using OpenGLRhi

Looks like the package is missing a dependency.

When I search the forums I see there is a -4 version of this package but it doesn’t appear in pamac. I’,m willing to try that if someone can suggest what I’m missing. AFAIK I’m completely up to date

I found a solution on the arch forums: install qt6-shadertools

Hopefully someone fixes the package problem so that this doesn’t happen again…

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Talk with the AUR packager of jamin as it has nothing to do with Manjaro!

Pamac UI needs to have AUR enabled to show AUR packages. Pamac - Manjaro

From terminal you can build AUR packages by default without enabling anything …

First, it looks like you have made a misprint in a package name (and topic theme): jamin-qt is absent in AUR. But according to the error message and the required package - you talk about the jami-qt package from community repository not AUR.
Second, as of the Jan 2023 there is still the same problem with jami-qt package - one should install qt6-shadertools (sudo pacman -S --asdeps qt6-shadertools) to make jami run.
Here is a discussion: FS#76114 : [jami-qt] Jami missing qt6-shadertools required dependency

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