JamesDSP running but no hearable effects

XFCE 22.0.0
Installed JamesDSP from AUR

[xf@xf22 ~]$ LC_ALL=C pactl info | grep “Server Name:”
Server Name: pulseaudio
[xf@xf22 ~]$

I’ve speakers onto my external HDMI monitor as well as on my laptop.
Under volume control> internal audio I have to hear sound from my external monitor
Digital stereo audio output(hdmi) + analogue stereo input.

I tried to have JamesDSP effect: none hearable, aka not active see picture, presumably device issue

If I try:
then it works and under volume control> internal audio I have now LADSPA plugin multiband…
and EQ effects are applied.

I wish to use JamesDSP because it has better frequency range calibrations.
How to make I sound work?


P.S. If I select “manually select device”, I have no other options than “Unknow()”.

[xf@xf22 ~]$ jamesdsp
[13:48:35.587] [INF] Application version: 2.4-0-g49994d2 (Pipewire flavor)
[13:48:35.587] [INF] Qt library version: 5.15.5
[13:48:35.587] [DBG] Launched by system session manager: no
[13:48:35.587] [DBG] Environment id: 60c4acddaa34442ba0761f3627d6cea5
[13:48:35.590] [WRN] SingleInstanceMonitor::isServiceReady: Service registration failed. Name already aquired by other instance
[13:48:35.590] [INF] SingleInstanceMonitor::handover: Attempting to switch to this instance...
[13:48:35.590] [INF] SingleInstanceMonitor::handover: Success! Waiting for event loop to exit...
[xf@xf22 ~]$


[13:48:35.590] [WRN] SingleInstanceMonitor::isServiceReady: Service registration failed. Name already aquired by other instance

Moderator edit: In the future, please use proper formatting: [HowTo] Post command output and file content as formatted text

I’ve just seen you opened a support thread on the project’s github. That’s quite practical.

Just to make it easier to follow up, are you using the bin or the git package? The latter has many fixes deployed, but regressions are always a possibility.

Did you install jamesdsp or jamesdsp-pulse? The former uses PipeWire while the latter uses PulseAudio. You’ll need to install the package matching the sound server you’re using. If you’re not sure, run:

pactl info | grep 'Server Name'

Example output using Pipewire:

Server Name: PulseAudio (on PipeWire 0.3.58)

Data in OP suggests jamesdsp is installed

[13:48:35.587] [INF] Application version: 2.4-0-g49994d2 (Pipewire flavor)

from JamesDSP running but SingleInstanceMonitor::isServiceReady: Service registration failed. Name already aquired by other instance - XFCE · Issue #72 · Audio4Linux/JDSP4Linux · GitHub

I ought to install jamesdsp-pulse
OK, so I first tried with package from AUR via GUI, didn’t seem to work, so I did:

$ sudo pacman -S git
$ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay-git.git
$ cd yay-git
$ makepkg -si
$ yay -S jamesdsp-pulse

and back to square 1:

$ jamesdsp-pulse
bash: jamesdsp-pulse : commande introuvable
$ jamesdsp
[07:46:55.019] [INF] Application version: 2.4-0-g49994d2 (Pulseaudio flavor)
[07:46:55.019] [INF] Qt library version: 5.15.6
[07:46:55.019] [DBG] Launched by system session manager: no
[07:46:55.019] [DBG] Environment id: 60c4acddaa34442ba0761f3627d6cea5
[07:46:55.020] [WRN] SingleInstanceMonitor::isServiceReady: Service registration failed. Name already aquired by other instance
[07:46:55.020] [INF] SingleInstanceMonitor::handover: Attempting to switch to this instance…
[07:46:55.021] [INF] SingleInstanceMonitor::handover: Success! Waiting for event loop to exit…
[xf@xf22 ~]$

Did the AUR helper yay remove conflicting package jasmesdsp or jamesdsp-git before building jamesdsp-pulse?

Warning message suggests there may be something remaining on system for PipeWire version

SingleInstanceMonitor::isServiceReady: Service registration failed. Name already aquired by other instance

I suggest you clear PulseAudio user settings (cookie and databases)

rm ~/.config/pulse/cookie ~/.config/pulse/*.tdb

and delete user configuration for JamesDSP

rm -r ~/.config/jamesdsp/

Reboot system so that PulseAudio creates new cookie and database files

Launch JamesDSP from main menu or jamesdsp in terminal and it should show first-run configuration options

Settings for jamesdsp-pulse do not include options for selecting Devices shown in post #1 screenshot
Audio playback can be configured in PulseAudio Volume Control – pavucontrol --tab=1


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Thanks now it’s working, but I didn"t realize every time I change a video in Youtube I loose the sound.

I have to go select another output, then back to the one.

P.S. I’m using an laptop with internal loudspeakers and a HDMI monitor which has loudspeaker.

If the Playback sink is changed in DE controls ( like xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin in screenshot ) rather than pavucontrol the change might not be saved to PulseAudio user settings database correctly

JamesDSP can be set as default sink for audio playback

pactl set-default-sink JamesDSP

Audio streams will use default-sink for audio playback unless user changes audio stream to Built-in Audio or HDMI in pavucontrol
Audio from JamesDSP can be switched between Built-in Audio or HDMI/DP outputs in pavucontrol

By reading again your post, I didn’t notice but your screenshot https://i.imgur.com/L0dG4mX.png
displays JamesDSP in the Playback, while for me it’s in the Output Devices, Playback is different see attached pictures

I posted screenshot for Playback tab only to illustrate how a user can switch the DSP output to different output devices

Screenshot in post #9 is showing no audio streams, so JamesDSP may have been suspended whilst idle (check pactl list sinks)
If audio playback is started JamesDSP should be visible in Playback tab alongside active audio streams

PulseAudio can be reconfigured so that JamesDSP is always visible in Playback tab by removing module-suspend-on-idle to suspend sinks

But disabling module-suspend-on-idle is not good for laptop power management