When I try to copy the files from NAS through SMB, some files can be copied successfully, but some will pop “Can’t write the file” message with Dolphin.
I verify this issue is not dependence with file name, file size or disk format(FAT32/NTFS).
When pop error message dialog, I press the “Retry” button, then press “Restore”, the file will be copied successfully. But If I press the “Cancel” button, the file name will be “xxx.part”.
I have also tried to copy the failed file from the same NAS on the Win10, the same file path, and the same file name, it can be copied without any error message.
Please don’t shout at people on the forum… (We are trying to help, you can not demand us to help you)
We don’t have access to your NAS so we can not try to download it.
You’re not tech support. And anyway, when I was tech support/systems administrator and a user used that kind of attitude with me, I’d take extra long to look at his/her problem.
Back in time, i would have just clicked close issue
The fact i don’t here is evidence of my good will
PS: We are all tech support for each other on these forums…
I couldn’t do that. My seat was directly next to the boss, who knew just enough to be dangerous…
Also, they’d have phoned him directly, and I wasn’t in the mood to get an earful.
I understand perfectly! And, although I don’t know as much as you guys, I do try to help.
Perhaps IRL he/she/it is one of those loud, shouty people…
But whether so or not, @ShenHsu, watch your attitude! @TriMoon and them are here to help of their own free will, on their own time! They don’t have to be here.
And besides, the forum rules states to be courteous.