Issues switching from stable to testing branch

Not sure if this is the right topic, but after installing Gnome stable and switching the branch to testing and running update I get this:

Synchronizing package databases…
Warning: installing pacman (6.1.0-5) breaks dependency ‘’ required by libpamac
Add libpamac to remove
Failed to prepare transaction:
could not satisfy dependencies:

  • removing libpamac breaks dependency ‘libpamac’ required by libpamac-flatpak-plugin
  • removing libpamac breaks dependency ‘libpamac>=11.6.3’ required by pamac-cli
    Resolving dependencies…
    Checking inter-conflicts…
    Failed to prepare transaction:
    could not satisfy dependencies:
  • removing libpamac breaks dependency ‘libpamac’ required by libpamac-flatpak-plugin
  • removing libpamac breaks dependency ‘libpamac>=11.6.3’ required by pamac-cli

Thanks for any input.

it’s many times seen problem, you just need to remove anything related to libpamac

edit: i misremembered, what i did was partial update: sudo pacman -S libpamac-flatpak-plugin manjaro-application-utility pamac-cli pamac-gtk pamac-tray-icon-plasma

It’s the kind of kinks you need to expect when not everything has been taken into account upstream. (seeing how long this problem has existed i don’t think upstream will do anything, rather make guide post in the next stable update thread)

Maybe what varikoniemi says is true and this error is supposed to be normal (have not noticed, but last time i switched branches was months ago), BUT a lot of the times this pops in the forum it turns out the system is not properly synced, updated, or is in a partial update state.
Maybe switch back to stable, refresh the mirrors and make a full -Syu update before trying to switch branches.

Thank you both!

Well, it is related to the testing branch, however I moved your post and replies to a new Support topic as it’s not directly related to the current testing update.

As @teo was referring to, you’re in an unsupported, partial upgrade state most likely due to out of date mirrors. Make sure they’re up to date and perform a full upgrade.

@varikonniemi I have no idea what you’re on about and nothing needs to be removed. Your advice is completely false and misleading.

well, it happened when i switched from stable to testing to get plasma6. Maybe it does not happen if you just ride testing constantly.

Including me this is the fourth user that has same problem presumably due to same issue (switching to testing) so it’s completely unnecessary to speculate about how it’s our fault for not keeping the system in good working order.

When i had the issue i did pacman-mirrors twice and switched back to stable between just to make sure i got same result on both times when syncing with testing before going through the update.

But, you are correct and i misremembered in my previous answer. I will delete said wrong advice.

Instead of removing affected packages i did partial update to them! This made the full system upgrade work.

Here is what i ran:
sudo pacman -S libpamac-flatpak-plugin manjaro-application-utility pamac-cli pamac-gtk pamac-tray-icon-plasma

Installed manjaro from stable xfce iso. Made two clones testing and unstable. Available updates hang on …

error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing pacman (6.1.0-5) breaks dependency ‘’ required by libpamac

this should be posted directly to testing update thread, seems like the problem is much more severe than i theorized. Seems like ALL branch switching currently from stable to testing or unstable causes this issue.

But you can probably fix it by running the command i posted.

Yochanan moved the post to a support topic so that’s where i should post i guess.
You’re suggestion installing packages is not the solution.
On xfce :point_down:

extra/libpamac 11.6.3-1 [installed]
extra/pamac-cli 11.6.0-3 [installed]
extra/pamac-gtk 11.7.1-1 [installed]

The upgrade from libpamac went wrong. I guess the developers have to push another version to testing and unstable.

If you have problem provably caused by the testing update (not your system) then it should go into the testing update thread.

by re-installing (updating) them before running the full system update, you get the newer version that does not require the ‘ and the full system update can resolve dependencies.

Why this does not happen automatically i don’t know. One would think the dependency resolving takes into account the new package instead of resolving it according to currently installed one.

edit: just for reference here is the post i made when i battled same issue: [Testing Update] 2024-03-23 - Pacman 6.1, KDE Gear, Nvidia, Gstreamer, AMD ROCm - #42 by varikonniemi