Issues after partial update after switching branches to test KDE 5.27

Greetings, total noob here.
My excitement got the better of me and so I switched to the testing branch in order to get the 5.27 version. I thought I was able to just upgrade the desktop without otherwise updating the rest of the system so I did pacman -S plasma-desktop. After the update and a reboot the desktop was half broken and so in a panicked move I just updated the whole system with -Syyu and be done with it. Everything works fine. The problem is that I don’t want to dwell too long on the testing branch (since I don’t feel comfortable there) and I switched back to stable.

Should I downgrade or just wait until the stable branch catches up with the updates I did on the testing branch? Also, is there a better way to handle this kind of situation where I want to upgrade just one thing (ex. my desktop)? Can I “isolate” the upgrade?
Sorry if this question seems obvious to you or has been answered in the past.

You can, technically, but you will most likely break the system. You NEED to update everything all together, always.

It is up to you, if it works for you then you should be good, stay on this update.

If you change branch and downgrade everything, you may have issue with some KDE config files, if there were changes in these config file on 5.27 that would not be recognized on the downgraded desktop.

I would switch branch and not downgrade if it works, just update when new updates come on Stable branch afterwards.


Maybe next time just use Timeshift befor you changing your system.

Timeshift let you easy rollback and i used it several times, when i try something new or maybe dangerous out.


There was a thread about 5.27. Here comes the ‘I told you so…’ moment.

The pre-requisite for ‘noob doing ■■■■■ are:

  1. Snapshots
  2. Backups.

Timeshift and Back-in-Time would cover that.

After testing 5.27, you simply restore a snapshot… this would remove all your updates, tweaks, modifications and installations for the last hour or whatever.

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