I had my first “software update” issue since installing Manjaro in 2020.
I have a Manjaro/Win10 dual boot configuration, SSD/quad core machine.
It was partially my fault.
I “Cancelled” the update due to extremely slow server download rate.
Then I switched to “Canada” mirrors (from US) and resumed the upgrade.
All the transactions and triggers completed without errors.
But I did NOT get the standard message to “re-boot”.
When I DID re-boot I got the message:
“/boot/vmlinuzx-6.9-x86_64 not found”
So I followed the standard procedure for an “aborted” install.
Pamac returned “nothing to do”.
Re-booted again and got: “Failed to mount /boot/efi”
followed by a few other messages.
So at this point I perused the forums for this error.
I found and issued this command: (after booting from live flash again…)
pamac upgrade --force-refresh --enable-downgrade --overwrite “" --no-avr.
cmd returned : nothing to do…
Followed by this command:
pacmac reinstall linux69 --overwrite "”
This command worked.
And I got the notice to re-boot. So I did.
It booted directly into Manjaro !
(bypassed the boot menu)
So I shutdown and booted again.
Got the Manjaro boot menu but the Window boot loader option was missing.
So I issued: sudo update-grub.
That fixed it. Everything seems to work fine now.
My question is:
Did I miss a step after cancelling the upgrade ?
Are there ANY commands that I need to issue after “Cancelling” an upgrade
BEFORE switching mirrors ?
I manged to recover…but it took a bit research and some luck.
I am NOT well versed in pacmac / pamac command line options.
It looks like I “Cancelled” when it was downloading the latest linux69 kernel.
But why did the upgrade process complete without errors yet the system failed to boot ?
This is somewhat ambiguous.
If you have no kernel - you cannot boot.
you said you followed whatever procedure
which means:
you did boot.
Was this from chroot?
From there, the first action would NOT be what you said you did.
The first action would be to re-run the update and let it finish.
pacman-mirrors -f 5
pacman -Syyu
After booting from LIVE flash
I issued:
sudo su -
manjaro-chroot -a
(part of the standard failed install procedure…)
… but then the thing to do would be to re-run and finish the update …
The update process is as follows…
The repository information is checked for whether it’s up to date, and if necessary, it is updated.
The packages are downloaded and package integrity is verified.
The kernel images and initcpio
s are deleted.
The packages are updated.
The kernel image or images is/are installed, the initcpio
s for them are created, and they are also installed.
The boot loader menu is updated.
Presumably you interrupted the process before the kernel and initcpio
were updated.
then I issued this cryptic command: (from the instructions)
[ -f /var/lib/pacman/db.lck ] && rm -f /var/lib/pacman/db.lck
followed by:
pacman-mirrors -f && pacman -Syyu
this returned: Nothing to do.
I cancelled when it was downloading linux69 (very slowly…)
from US mirror site.
Well, then there’s your answer.
you could try to run the commands separately
the first line checks for a lock file and removes it if present - as it would prevent pacman from performing it’s job
the second line is two commands - the same as I wrote further up:
first refresh the list of mirrors
you could use pacman-mirrors -c Germany
to get better/different mirrors
then run the update
pacman -Syyu
If that all succeeded - you should be good
exit chroot and reboot
That was part of the problem…
It came back with…Nothing to do and when I re-booted (without live flash)
I got:
failed to mount /boot/efi
with some message about -d (the only key sequence that it responded to)
Also when I looked at the manjor advanced boot options
my Linux6 versions were gone !
So it looks like the “recovery” command I used:
pamac upgrade --force-refresh --enable-downgrade --overwrite “*” --no-avr
(this also came back with…nothing to do…)
should have been just:
pacman -Syyu
Yes - as this command simply runs the update (again).
pamac upgrade --force-refresh --enable-downgrade --overwrite “*” --no-avr
contains a typo, a syntax error
it should have thrown an error right away
... --no-avr
is incorrect
why would you want to or need to overwrite anyhing?
I just found it on one of the forum posts when I searched on "failed to mount /boot/efi.
It looked a bit messy to me but if I recall it just returned: nothing to do…
At the time I wasn’t sure how much I hosed-up my system and was just attempting to recover elegantly instead of having to perform a complete re-install.
But it was the next command in that post that DID fix the missing kernel.
pacmac reinstall linux69 --overwrite “*”
except the original post read linux510
You could - in chroot
- just (re)install any kernel you want
mhwd-kernel -l
will list what is available
mhwd-kernel -li
should list what is (supposed to be) installed
mhwd-kernel -i linux...
to choose one from the available to install
mhwd-kernel -h
shows a short summary of the options this command takes
Thanks that’s good information.
If that final command I issued failed then I really would have been “confused” and would have asked for technical help a couple of days ago.
I really didn’t want to deal with logs & screenshots etc.
I knew there was some “elegant” solution but had no clue on the command sequence and/or options.
I’m always interested in new “commands”.
Didn’t know about mhwd.
Thanks for your prompt replies and expertise.
I got to go now. thanks again.
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