Is there any way to "imitate" media control buttons (pause, next, previous)?

I’m currently using manjaro xfce on a thinkpad t480.
I don’t have any dedicated media controll keys.

Can i make a shortcut for it? Fg: super+p to pause music?

You’ll have to set it up per-application…

I would only need it for firefox and spotify.
Can i do that?

I don’t have Xfce, or Spotify. And I don’t use any sound in Firefox. Or even the rest of my PC, for that matter. So, while I’m sure it’s doable, unfortunately I won’t be able to help you.


You’ll need to do some googling and then some more.

Thanks for your time!

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These are some commands I use in my i3 config and they will work perfectly fine in xfce. Go to Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Add > Add command and then the keybinding. Use these commands to:

pactl set-sink-volume 0 +5% #increase sound volume
pactl set-sink-volume 0 -5% #decrease sound volume
pactl set-sink-mute 0 toggle # toggle sound

playerctl play-pause #toggle to play/pause
playerctl next #next song/video
playerctl previous #previous song/video

pactl is used to issue control commands to the PulseAudio sound server. Install playerctl though:

sudo pacman -S playerctl

(I am not sure if this will work if you are using pipewire but this will work if you are using just pulseaudio and even both. Check with inxi -A)

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I love you!
This is what i was looking for.
Thank you so much.

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