Hi, I really like using KDE tile shortcuts to send my windows to the corners or sides etc.
But since I have 4k 42inc monitors I really would love to have more tile choices. Is there maybe such a tool that provides this?
What I look for is, like
Press shortcut for sending to “right” the first time => Use half size of right area.
Press it again => use 1/3rd of the right,
Press once again => use 2/3rd of the right side.
I use a KWin script called krohnkite. Settings - Window Managment - KWin Scripts - Get New Scripts. There are also a few youtube reviews of it. It works for the most part, but I have noticed a few bugs.
I played a bit around with it, and it is an interesting script. But not really suitable to my situation.
I have often 30+ windows upen and for most of them I do not care where they are. But I have a fixed set of windows that I want to see next to each other and be able to quickly throw around if I need to.
So I wrote my own KWin script. I’ll see how to publish it to the KDE download section and let you know when I did.
It has a 3x2 grid for each screen and I use the numpad for control.
The upper keys take the upper half of the screen and switch corners sizes but do 2 sizes. 33%, 50% and 66%
The left and right key, use maximum hight but also 33%, 50% and 66%
The center key is Fullscreen or full height but center of the screen with 33% width
Ok, I think I launched this script to the KDE store. Not sure if I already pressed all buttons I have to press. Does not yet appear in my “Get new Scripts…” result, but could simply take a while
I tried your version it didn’t work for me, the shortcut were doing nothing. However it permitted me to explore the Kwin Scripts category on KDE store, and I found something I liked (Quick Tile Enhancement) so after all it was a good experience anyway
I also saw there were other scripts that seemed to be what you were looking for:
Hmm, yes, seems really similar. I could not get it to run in my VM however where I now rigurously tested my extension. My new version, 1.0.7 is uploaded now.
(this message was stuck in the preview window since well over a week. lol)