The latest version of the flatpak app, ABC, is highly unstable, and I have to revert to earlier version.
When I performed a general update (AUR and other flatpak app) on Pamac, I have deselect ABC before I proceed to click “Apply”. However, Pamac did not respect my deselection, and proceeded to update ABC to latest version.
I have to perform a CLI downgrade on ABC in order to restore its stability.
So, how should I disable the upgrade of this ABC (since deselecting it doesn’t work in Pamac) when performing the update of other apps?
the command states flatpak mask name, but after running the command flatpak mask ABC, Pamac still show upgrade available.
I tried flatpak mask Application ID, and it worked now.
I’m not sure how exactly pamac is generating the results.
You may need to restart it.
But I’m pretty sure it will end up just running attempted flatpak update … so even if it tries it should fail to upgrade ‘ABC’ if it was masked using flatpak mask ABC.
The name in the command must be the flatpak ‘Name’ according to flatpak.
Or thats what the wiki suggests.
If somehow the ID is required … then use that.
With a quick search it does seem the actual man page only illustrates the ref id;
flatpak-mask - Mask out updates and automatic installation
flatpak mask [OPTION...] PATTERN...
Flatpak maintains a list of patterns that define which refs are masked. A masked ref will never be updated or automatically installed (for example a masked extension marked auto-download will not be downloaded). You can still manually install such refs, but once they are installed the version will be pinned.
The patterns are just a partial ref, with the * character matching anything within that part of the ref. Here are some example patterns:
To list the current set of masks, run this command without any patterns.
The following options are understood:
-h, --help
Show help options and exit.
Instead of adding the patterns, remove matching patterns.
-u, --user
Mask refs in a per-user installation.
Mask refs in the default system-wide installation.
Mask refs in a system-wide installation specified by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using --installation=default is equivalent to using --system.
-v, --verbose
Print debug information during command processing.
$ flatpak mask
$ flatpak mask org.broken.App
$ flatpak mask --remove org.broken.App
when i ran flatpak mask ABC, the command was executed without error, but the Pamac still showed upgrade available.
when I ran flatpak mask Application ID, the command was also executed without error, and this time Pamac no longer showing the app as “upgrade available”, though this app still appeared in “Installed” list - which is fine.
Unless Pamac has a tendency to show delay outcome from the CLI command, I tend to think that flatpak mask Application ID is the working command.