Just wondering when things are expected to happen.
There is activity
→ GitHub - manjaro/arkdep-variants: Profiles for Arkdep
→ Manjaro Immutable Out Now for Community Testing
I think the top priority currently - for immutable - is for gaming like Orange PI Neo.
Likely the members working on it, can provide more infor
Most of the major components are ready. All we have to do is put it all together, write some documentation, and flip a switch for it to start pushing updates.
It is but a few days of work to get it released, but work, other Manjaro projects, and a puppy are already taking most of my time leaving only little to spend on Summit and upstream Arkane.
Upstream I am implementing a few more commonly requested features such as package layering, I’d like to get these in before releasing Summit.
Once we are satisfied with Summit we’ll push a Beta version of it. I suspect Summit will remain in Beta for quite a while, there are some rough parts to it such as the installer which need a big overhaul and cleanup.
The forum post you linked to is closed.
Aha! Moonlighting for Puppy Linux, are you?
I’ll get my coat…
Yes, but only recently.
I dare say, there will be plenty of opportunity for commentary as the project progresses.