Is kdeconnect file browse broken (again)?

Here kdeconnect is again unable to mount remote filesystems for file browsing.

As it has already happened in 2021, it replies Error when accessing filesystem. sshfs finished with exit code 1

Is it only me? Apparently there is a thread about this on arch at [NOT SOLVED[ kdeconnect fails after Plasma 6.1 update / Newbie Corner / Arch Linux Forums but it has to do with plasma 6.1 that has not already landed on Manjaro stable.

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Trying to debug, I see that kdeconnect calls sshfs with the option HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss,ssh-rsa, and possibly fuse does not seem to like it.
Trying the sshfs call manually, I succeed in getting a password prompt if I remove the ssh-dss part.

Ugly hack to fix the issue:

  1. move /usr/bin/sshfs to /usr/bin/sshfs.real

  2. create a /usr/bin/sshfs file with the following content

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    if [[ "$1" =~ ^kdeconnect ]]; then
        for arg in "$@"; do
            if [[ "$arg" = "HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss\,ssh-rsa" ]]; then
        "$SSHFS_BIN" "${new_args[@]}"
        "$SSHFS_BIN" "$@"

Looks like kdeconnect is using authentication algorithms (ssh-dss) that have been removed from openssh.

Credits to for the workaround (even if I had to change the scripts found there that were not OK on Manjaro).

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The non-hackish approach would be to fix plugins/sftp/mounter.cpp wrt the “HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss\,ssh-rsa”

Apparently arch already applies an upstream patch for this.

upgpkg: 24.05.2-2: Add compatibility with openssh 8.9 (612365f5) · Commits · Arch Linux / Packaging / Packages / kdeconnect · GitLab.

However the patch is broken. You need

diff -Naur kdeconnect-kde-24.05.2/plugins/sftp/mounter.cpp kdeconnect-kde-24.05.2-manj/plugins/sftp/mounter.cpp
--- kdeconnect-kde-24.05.2/plugins/sftp/mounter.cpp     2024-06-28 23:08:24.000000000 +0200
+++ kdeconnect-kde-24.05.2-manj/plugins/sftp/mounter.cpp        2024-07-15 14:04:30.895329597 +0200
@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@
                       << QStringLiteral("-o") << QStringLiteral("IdentityFile=") + KdeConnectConfig::instance().privateKeyPath()
                       << QStringLiteral("-o") << QStringLiteral("StrictHostKeyChecking=no") // Do not ask for confirmation because it is not a known host
                       << QStringLiteral("-o") << QStringLiteral("UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null") // Prevent storing as a known host
-                      << QStringLiteral("-o") << QStringLiteral("HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss\\,ssh-rsa") //
-                      << QStringLiteral("-o") << QStringLiteral("PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa") //
-                      << QStringLiteral("-o") << QStringLiteral("uid=") + QString::number(getuid())
+                      << QStringLiteral("-o") << QStringLiteral("HostKeyAlgorithms=ssh-rsa") //
+                      << QStringLiteral("-o") << QStringLiteral("PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa") //
+                      << QStringLiteral("-o") << QStringLiteral("uid=") + QString::number(getuid())
                       << QStringLiteral("-o") << QStringLiteral("gid=") + QString::number(getgid())
                       << QStringLiteral("-o") << QStringLiteral("reconnect")
                       << QStringLiteral("-o") << QStringLiteral("ServerAliveInterval=30")

rather than the upstream patch 4f3a8968.patch

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