Is JUCE installed by default in Manjaro?

I’ve got an app ( native linux) that I wastold needs the latest version of JUCE (whatever that is?) to run. I checked Pacman, and it shows no JUCE packages installed (well at least, with that spelling). Just wondering if it is part of the original Manjaro distro, and thereby installed by default, or?

Running latest version of Manajro 21.1.0 updated this morning.

I am running a previous version of the app, that I was told uses JUCE of an earlier type. BUt the updated version needs the updated JUCE. there are about 5 different JUCE ( I think, as none are specifically named that) in Pacman.

Can anyone shed some light on whether Manjaro needs JUCE and if not I can research elsewhere.

just give the name of the app.
juce is in the repo.

Thanks - yes I did see the C++ thing there. Cool I’ll try that one

Nah that didn’t work app still won’t execute. Thanks anyway :slight_smile:

what app

Not every package available is installed. Just like every other GNU/Linux distribution Manjaro is made up of

  1. the Linux kernel
  2. a selection of GNU packages

To see what is available check the Manjaro Discover web page at

X-Air Edit (Behringer app)

Install it from AUR and all should be fine. Read the comments on the page too, it helps AUR (en) - xairedit

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