Is it possible to build any package in manjaro?

I’m trying to install a game called ‘A short Hike’ . It is available in AUR , i tried to install it but error occured and I think because its a paid version.
Here is the Link of the game.
Let’s say if I buy it would it be possible to build it from scratch ? or will I just waste money?

In the PKGBUILD (the recipe used to download and install this game)
the following line appears:

DLAGENTS+=('gogdownloader::/usr/bin/lgogdownloader --download-file=%u -o %o')

And if you try to install the game
(I did this using the terminal and “yay” instead of with “pamac”)
it tells you that this downloader is missing.

==> ERROR: The download program lgogdownloader is not installed.
 -> error downloading sources: gog-a-short-hike 
	 context: exit status 1

Obviously you need to also install that, to be able to get that game.
Install lgogdownloader from the AUR if you have not done that already - you didn’t tell what errors you encountered.

If you do that - as I just did - then the installation asks for an email and a password
to start downloading the game.

I suppose you only can provide that when you have registered with them.

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yes I had already downloaded lgogdownloader but error still occur it was something related to username and password.
And I guess it is not possible to build any package only official repository,AUR,Snap and flatpak is possible. So I think I should pass

If you are registered there and you do have the necessary password I do not see why this
(installing from AUR)
would not work.

But I can’t try that - because I do not have an account with them.

I got this response - it contains a hint that you might need to edit the PKGBUILD to use a QT Gui because there is a captcha protection before you get to download it.

Login form contains reCAPTCHA (
Try to login later or compile LGOGDownloader with -DUSE_QT_GUI=ON
HTTP: Login failed

… no, scratch that - there is a PKGBUILD
a version of that downloader
that already is built with that QT GUI support:

AUR (en) - lgogdownloader-qt5

Install that instead.